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Content Marketing is the best strategy for developers!

An overview of all the benefits of applying a content marketing strategy when your funds are limited as a solopreneur

Tech - RubyCademy
4 min readOct 29, 2020


In this blogpost, I’ll share with you an honest return of experience on applying a content marketing strategy since 3 years.

You strategy must be related to your products

When I started my journey, I decided that my business would be related to something I like to do: sharing knowledge. I had 2 years of experience as a CS (not Counter Strike) teacher. So my business would be related to this topic. I kind of knew that I would build a platform to share my knowledge. That would be the heart of my business. But how to let people know that I could bring them something different than the dozens of thousands of online teachers. The answer was as simple as it is: by sharing my knowledge for free and showing that my way to teach brings something new to the table.

Feeding a blog is a real job that takes a very good amount of time. It’s something to teach to students front of you but is another thing to share a piece of technical advice to the entire Ruby community. Honestly, I was a bit apprehensive about releasing my first blogpost. But after few days I decided to release it and.. nothing happened because nobody cares about what you do when you’re not established as a popular writer. Actually, that’s a chance because you can do a lot of mistakes and enhance you writing skills without damaging your brand.

Feel free to read My 3 revenue streams as a developer to learn more about my journey.

After a while, my blog got me a steady daily amounts of reader — about thousand a day

stats of June 2017

At this moment, my platform was almost ready. So I created a landing page with the possibility to let an email for beta testing. I simply added a link to this landing page in each of my blogposts. After a week the landing page generated about 1000 emails.

That’s the power of content marketing. Providing quality content for free and then redirect an interested audience to another platform related to your content.

A content marketing strategy isn’t only related to blogposts. I’d like to share with you another way to produce content as effective as blogposts.

Content Marketing and social networks

Blogging helped me to legitimise my technical competences as a Ruby developer and as a teacher. But not everyone takes the time to read blogposts. There is plenty of developers who just want to consume information in a few seconds. The majority of this audience can be found on social networks. So I decided to create a new format for this specific audience: Ruby Cards

Example: the arguments forwarding shorthand in Ruby

The format was pretty simple:

  • an appealing headline
  • a code snippet that elegantly describes a notion about the Ruby programming language

It was an immediate success as many developers appreciated the format and naturally visited my platform. Thanks to this format, I was able to grow the amount of subscribers significantly.


Choosing to implement a content marketing strategy as a solopreneur implies that you love the content you produce. Indeed, it requires a high level of commitment to blog and share knowledge every week for years. So, you better love what you do to keep doing it with the same passion for a long period of time.

Finally, don’t neglect the impact that social networks can have on your business.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blogpost.


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