Structures and Organizational Orders in Different Mafia Groups


One of the main features that marks Mafia distinguishing it from general crime is the presence of hierarchical structures and organizational orders. Currently, in Mafia groups, it can be recognized two different organizational layers:

  • The “Unità Organizzativa di Base” (Basic Organizational Unit or BOU), it constitutes the minimal organizational level common to every type of Mafia group. It comprises individuals and it has a hierarchical division of roles.
  • The “Livello Meta-Organizzativo” (meta-organizational level), it includes the “Organi Sovraordinati di Coordinamento” (Superordinate Coordination Bodies or SCB), superior bodies that deal with solving internal controversies, developing common strategies, identifying potential enemies, and imposing rules among the members. The meta-organizational level is not composed of individuals but of representatives of subordinate organizational structures.


In Sicily, the primal BOU is the “Famiglia” (Family), a group of criminals who control a city or a small territory. Even though it is called Family, its members are not related to each other, this term is used to highlight the importance of trust and honor in Cosa Nostra. A Family has a pyramidal structure: the base is made of soldiers called “Picciotti” (from 5 to 30 Picciotti per Family), who refers to a “Capodecina” who elects in turn with his peers a “Rappresentante” (Representative) of the Family. Other fundamental figures are the “Vice-Rappresentante” (Vice-Representative), who replaces the boss in his absence; and the “Consigliere” (Counselor), who advises the Capodecina and the Representative.

Maurizio Catino (ResearchGate). Structure of Cosa Nostra Family

In 1957, Cosa Nostra created its first SCB: the “Rappresentante provinciale” (Provincial Representative). Since that year, all the Representatives vote for a Provincial Representative who speaks for all the Families within a certain province. If there are many Families within a zone, the territory is divided into “Mandamenti” (Administrative Districts), and a “Capomandamento” (Administrative District Boss) is nominated. In this case, the Administrative District Bosses elect the Provincial Representative.
After 1975, Cosa Nostra created the “Cupola” (Dome) or “Commissione regionale” (Regional Commission) — the highest layer ever created by the Sicilian criminal association — composed of the Provincial Representatives. Anyway, after the Italian police effectively tackled Cosa Nostra during the 90s, both the provincial level and the Regional Commission disappeared. Nevertheless, during the last twenty years, Cosa Nostra Families have tried several times to restore the Dome, but the police have always been able to stop them.

Maurizio Catino (ResearchGate). Structure of Cosa Nostra


Differently from Camorra and Cosa Nostra siciliana, ‘Ndrangheta groups are mainly founded on parental and patriarchal associations among their members. Indeed, the link between the families is strengthened through combined weddings while the soldiers are recruited based on blood relationships. In ‘Ndrangheta, the BOU is the “’Ndrina”, where all the relatives of a criminal family are involved. The head of a ‘Ndrina is the “Capondrina” or “Capobastone”. The various ‘Ndrina of a specific territory constitute a “Locale” (Room) or a “Società”(Society), the Capondrina elect the “Capolocale” / “Caposocietà”, the head of the Society.

Typically, a Society is divided into two layers: the “Società Maggiore” (Upper Society) and “Società Minore” (Lower Society). The Upper one is formed by the Capolocale, an accountant, a “Crimine” (crime) — a sort of Vice-Representative — and a “Maestro di Giornata” (Master) who reports Capolocale’s orders to all the members of the Society. The Lower Society is composed of soldiers called “Giovani d’Onore” (Young Men of Honor) who refers to the “Sgarrista” headed by a “Capogiovane” (Young Men Boss).

Maurizio Catino (ResearchGate). Structure of a Society

In 1991 — after the Second ‘Ndrangheta war (1985-1991) — the Calabrian groups decided to create two new SCB levels: the “Camera di Controllo” (Control Chamber), which gathers various Rooms belonging to the same region; and the “Crimine” (Crime) or “Provincia” (Province), the supreme SCB founded on the three Calabrian region districts (Ionic, Tyrrhenian, and Adriatic). The Province supervises the application of the rules, recognizes the constitution of a new Room, and solves conflicts between families. The Province is headed by a “Capocrimine” the supreme leader of ‘Ndrangheta.

Wikipedia. Structure of ‘Ndrangheta


Until the beginning of ‘900 — when the Cuocolo’s process occurred –, Camorra had a hierarchical structure whose BOU was the “Paranza”. Each Paranza had a boss (“Capospirito”), a counselor (“Il Primo voto”), an accountant (“Contaiuolo”), and a secretary (“Amatore”). As the ‘Ndrangheta, even Camorra’s Paranza was divided into Upper Society and Lower Society. The Capospirito from each district of Naples had the right to sit in the “Gran Consiglio” (Great Council) — the prime Camorra’s SCB — and to elect the “Capintesta”, the head of Camorra. The Capintesta chaired the supreme tribunal (“Gran Mamma”), while the Capospirito presided over the districtual tribunal, the “Mamma”.

Currently, Camorra is formed by several independent criminal groups which can present three different types of organizational models:

  • Gang, an aggregate of violent criminals with no hierarchical division.
  • Structured clan, a group of people similar to ‘Ndrangheta’s ‘Ndrina or Cosa Nostra’s Family.
  • Federation, a combination of structured clans with an SCB.


The organizational order of a Mafia association not only determines the internal division of hierarchical roles but also influences the power and effectiveness of the group itself. In fact, the SCB improves the coordination and mitigates conflicts among the BOU favoring a centralization and homogenization process. For this reason, ‘Ndrangheta is characterized by better internal coordination, faster decision-making, reduced conflicts, and contained violence. Conversely, in a decentralized association, the independent gangs are free to make decisions reducing the capability to adopt strategic and long-term decisions.

Anyway, a model based on a federation of clans and superordinate coordination bodies has a major issue: it is extremely vulnerable to the police tackling. Having a hierarchical organizational chart makes it easier for law enforcement to set strategic priorities and target leaders directly. Nevertheless, ‘Ndrangheta avoids this risk by employing only people that belong to the criminal families. By doing so, it has been able to limit the number of traitors becoming the most powerful organized crime group in the world.

The main source for the article is the book “Le organizzazioni mafiose. La mano visibile dell’impresa criminale” by Maurizio Catino (2020).

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