Submission Guidelines for The Devil’s Advocate

What we’re all about and how to write for us

Tameem Rahman
The Devil’s Advocate


Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

So, you’re a unicorn (unique) thinker and want to share different perspectives on the various facets of life. You also crave a little controversy.

We get ya — that’s why we started this publication.

You can apply to be a writer through this Typeform! **Before you apply, please read our guidelines to increase the chances of acceptance!

Use this link if something is not working.

1. What we’re looking for

We want bold writers who are willing to challenge social norms. Through this community, we want to break two main psychological barriers that keep us from unlocking our full human potential:

Problem 1: Mob mentality

The majority of people in our society do something because others are doing it. It’s easier that way because it requires less thinking and we fear ostracization. We don’t like taking risks.



Tameem Rahman
The Devil’s Advocate

I run an agency doing search marketing for tech companies & lawyers | I write here for fun