An Insider’s Tale

Arun S
The Dhanak Diaries
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2019

The show must go on. A phrase not only etched in the minds of every film director, music producer and circus master but also in the young hearts of those of us who form the backbone of one of the prominent cultural festivals in South India. Behind every well oiled machine, lies hundreds of cogs and gears toiling endlessly to make sure the machine runs without a hitch. This is the story of those very same cogs and gears that often go unknown. This is our story.

An average movie becomes a hit blockbuster only if every actor, no matter how small his role, plays his part with perfection. The very same ideology is what makes up for a successful fest too. Team Dhanak is not a hive of aliens working under a single queen, but rather a highly diverse group, hailing from all corners of India comprised of many unique personalities each bringing their distinct skillset to the table.

Those of us, who think like Lord Littlefinger, with the ability to keep the cash flowing in and the means to keep even the meanest of sponsors satisfied choose to become the keepers of coin, the custodians of the unholy ledgers and record-books.

The crowds we attract are testimony to the efforts put by a group of silver tongued salesmen, gifted with wits and the words to accompany it. They don’t rest until our word reaches every nook and corner of our land. Good connections and a friendly yet persuasive nature make sure not a single college remains ignorant of Dhanak.

The events that forms the framework on which Dhanak is built are carefully pieced together by our dedicated planners. With enough extensively planned competitions making sure every talent gets its fair chance to be expressed, the events team is known for its ingenuity and innovation when it comes to designing the very same.

A picture is worth a thousand words, a quote that the members of the creatives team are rather fond of. With flair and finesse and armed with the proper knowledge over the tricky editors they pop out picture-perfect posters to make sure the people, irrespective of their language understand who we are and what we do.

Dhanak also boasts of an elaborate network of dedicated messengers who work tirelessly to establish our presence in the online arena. Managing all our official social handles, equipped with the knowledge of current trends, the media team is responsible for bringing our name to your screens.

The hospitality team takes immense pride in their impeccable track record they have on taking care of our guest’s needs. With the endless patience required to sit on a desk tending to the needs of every participant who ever set foot on our campus, our hospitality teams comprises of one of our most dedicated.

Resourcefulness and good relationships are reasons why our logistics team is known for its efficiency. Making sure we never run out of materials required for the various events happening simultaneously, The logistics team handle the fest’s affairs with sufficient grace and make sure its thirst for material goods is kept quenched.

Once a semester the painters, the designers and the artists are given free rein over the institute. They make sure creativity runs rampant in the campus. Sculptures are masterfully crafted, banners are carefully painted and inspired decorations are hung strategically to reflect our festive mood to the surroundings around.

Oh yes we do have our flaws. Dark days when things seem to fall apart. Disagreements and fights do break out. Everytime a hill is crossed, a mountain awaits us. The giant of academics forever loom over our backs, endless tests to take in between the never ending assignments to submit. Not every decision is a happy one, compromises and counter plans are always made irrespective of what happens. The choice of buckling under an ocean of pressure and give up is always there, but that’s the thing with us. We simply refuse to make that choice. Despite all the obstacles thrown at us, the hurdles hurled we stick around. Yes ours might not be one of the grandest or the biggest fests you’ve ever been to, but we guarantee it will be one of those experiences you would never forget. Bigger and better were the words that were passed along with this responsibility to us by our predecessors and that is the mantle upon which future editions of our fest will be built upon. The only joy that we dream of is the joy that comes along after everything is done and dusted and one stands behind the curtain knowing we’ve done all we can.

This was the story of the cogs and gears. To truly marvel the massive machinery we have lived to perfect, do visit us towards the end of September in the beautiful city of Thiruvananthapuram. Amidst lush green hills and sparkling streams, waits for you, our proudest accomplishment, our legacy that we bear with immense happiness, our Dhanak.

