The Dialogues of Brosophocles: Love

Dylan McKelvey
The Dialogues of Brosophocles
3 min readFeb 22, 2022
Photo by Kylo on Unsplash

Big Bro: So, do you love her?

Lil Bro: I don’t know. I mean, what is love?

Big Bro: Baby, don’t hurt me…no more!

Lil Bro: Be serious.

Big Bro: OK, OK…Do you live spending time with her?

Lil Bro: Yeah.

Big Bro: When she’s not there, do you wish she was?

Lil Bro: Sometimes.

Big Bro: After you finish in bed, do you want her to leave?

Lil Bro: No, I want her to stay.

Big Bro: Well, that’s love.

Lil Bro: Come on, dude. Be serious.

Big Bro: I am being serious. The only true test of love is whether you still want her there after you’re done.

Lil Bro: Seriously?

Big Bro: Have you ever wanted any other girl to stay after?

Lil Bro: Maybe a couple.

Big Bro: Were you in love then?

Lil Bro: Well, I felt like I was. But those relationships didn’t last.

Big Bro: Of course. Every relationship ends. Even if you get married and spend you’re life together, one of you’s going to die first.

Lil Bro: That’s dark, bro.

Big Bro: No it’s not. That’s life, man. That’s the way it is. Everything ends. And that doesn’t make it less special. It makes it more special. You gotta appreciate everything good while it’s happening, because you know it’s temporary.

Lil Bro: That’s some deep Buddha stuff, man.

Big Bro: It’s common sense, Lil Bro. When you watch a movie, do you spend the movie terrified and worried that it’s going to end? No, you don’t. You enjoy the movie. You let it flow and you appreciate it while it happens. That’s what you gotta do with life and love and everything.

Lil Bro: Wow…I see what you mean.

Big Bro: So, back to my original question. Do you love her?

Lil Bro: Uh, yeah, I guess so.

Big Bro: You guess? Either you do or you don’t. I don’t care if you’re scared or unsure of the future or whatever. I don’t care about what else is bothering you. Just look inside yourself and tell me.

Lil Bro: OK.

Big Bro: Don’t think, feel, alright? 3, 2, 1. Do you love her?

Lil Bro: Yes.

Big Bro: There you go. That wasn’t so hard, was it? How’s it feel?

Lil Bro: I feel great. I felt all this tension inside, like I had all this water built up inside me and I’d put up a dam. But, like, the water was poison or something. And admitting it feels like the dam broke and all the poison water flowed out. I feel empty and light, but like, in a good way?

Big Bro: Very eloquent. You feel relieved, I know. I’ve been there.

Lil Bro: Thanks so much, Bro.

Big Bro: OK, now that your heart is open and you’re feeling free, let’s try one more question.

Lil Bro: OK, cool. Now I’m into this.

Big Bro: Cool, cool. 1, 2, 3. Dummy says what?

Lil Bro: What?

Big Bro: Haha, gotcha, dummy.

Lil Bro: Screw you, man.

(Big Bro and Lil Bro chuckle together)

Big Bro: I love you, Bro.

Lil Bro: Love you too, dude.



Dylan McKelvey
The Dialogues of Brosophocles

Not enough people were reading my journal, so I decided to try writing here