Diary Entry: On The Colour Purple Movie

My thoughts and real diary writing after I saw the film

Me and My Muse
Published in
6 min readFeb 2, 2024


Art work created by author on Canva

Saturday 27th of January 2024, the park bench, 4:45p.m

I just arrived at the local park down the road from me. The one I often take B to. I’m on a bench tucked away, but with a great view of everything and everyone. To my surprise it’s rather busy! I can see boys playing football, dog walkers, kids playing on the swings, and I hope this lady with this big-ass dog I can see walking around puts it on the lead, by the time she reaches my bench.

The sun is still out, today was one of those bright but chilly spring-like days.

So this morning after S went off to his sports competition, he’s in the final! I left B with his nanny for a few hours and took myself for coffee, a wander around, then to the movies. I heard, via text S won the match, he’s now the champion of the region — way to go baby!

I went to see the early afternoon showing of the re-make of The Colour Purple (1983), I was so keen to see it as I read a review by Ivylockewrites and also Bloom 🌺 these are two women I follow on Medium, in their view it seemed like it may not be anything that special.



Me and My Muse
The Diarist

A Londoner, essayist, crime fiction writer, humanitarian, avid reader. Writing about 'womanist' topics, race, gender, society, and what's important worldwide.