I Hacked the Answer to: What is the Meaning of My Life? Do You?

Pradeep Hariharan
The Diarist


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Looking back, May 14, 2024

It was March 13, 2024, and I was penniless.

I quit my job last year to follow my passion for becoming a digital coach, and was making no money.

I have burned all my financial resources. All the jewels of my wife were with pawnbrokers, and I was left with no options.

I could hang on till the end of March. But April looked like an enigma. I wondered what I was going to put on the table for my kids.

I pondered the question, “What had brought me to this situation?”

Every one of us reaches a stage when we look back on our life, much like we look in a rearview mirror.

Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

Then we understand that we have not lived up to our potential, and we want to lead a different life.

That is the beginning of our awareness. That is the beginning we start to change.

Most people turn to self-help books or join personal development programmes.

Every one of us reaches a stage when we look back on our life, much like we look in a rearview mirror.

Little did they realise that they were looking for band-aid solutions. I was not different either.

The first self-help book I got was Harry Lorane’s “Memory Makes Money” in the early 1990s. I was thirteen or fourteen.

The book profoundly opened up a new world for me. Since then I have bought, read, and kept for future reading a lot of books. Thanks to all the writers, publishers, and bookshops. They have tremendously helped me to become the person that I am today.

None of them could solve my spiritual crisis — the answer to one question: "What is the purpose of my life?"

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

I believe the moment you begin to question this is the start of your spiritual journey.

This is when we connect to our inner selves and start to look at things in a new light.

Sadly only a few find the answers.

If you want to find it follow the steps. It worked for me and it will work for you too.

Please take a moment to reflect on your childhood memories, specifically, the things you enjoyed doing, the music you liked, your favourite colours, and your preferred books. Try to recall what you enjoyed doing as a child and consider setting aside some time to do those things again.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

For example, the father of modern analytical psychology Carl C Jung says he used to play with blocks as an adult to feel better. That is when he found out the importance of connecting with our inner child.

Back to my story…I was left with two options: borrow money with the promise to return to my previous job and abandon my passion, or offer something new to the world.

As desperate and sad as I was I made a YouTube video on my childhood passion tarot cards. It was just a six minute video on the history of tarot.

In the next forty-eight hours, the video attracted close to 5k people and some people started to ask me what are the fees to learn “tarot”.

Remember I have no experience of teaching tarot, I am basically an IELTS trainer and a Lecturer of English. Curiosity drove me to offer a tarot training programme in the next three weeks. I told everyone that I am not a tarot expert — but I know the stuff.

Photo by François Verbeeck on Unsplash

For the last two months, money has been slowly coming and I am connecting with some wonderful souls. More importantly, I feel thrilled and energetic. Every morning I wake up with profound energy because I live my childhood dreams. I pick the cards arrange them and speak to them.

Although I am not building castles with them I am helping a lot of people to build castles for their future, as a Tarot Abundance Coach.

In short, if you read this far my request for you is to crack the code of “What is the purpose of my life by connecting to your inner child.”

It won’t happen immediately because you have to peel your many layers, but it will happen one day!

Photo by Lukas Meier on Unsplash

Then you will see those angels you could only see when you were a child!

Thank you.

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Pradeep Hariharan
The Diarist

Kidney Transplant survivor and a passionate educator of English. IELTS Expert, Writer, a compassionate father, a loving husband and a generous humanitarian.