Steven Thornberry (Friend)

Project 1927
The Diary of Myles Thomas
3 min readMay 4, 2017


Myles’s college roommate and good friend, who works on Wall Street and owns the building in which Myles lives.

Entries in “1927: The Diary of Myles Thomas”

Opening Day: The Fire Party  (April 13, 1927)72,000 fans showed up at Yankee Stadium for Opening Day. Most of them came by train but Steven, my college roommate, true to his word, drove up to the Stadium with three cars full of his fellow Wall Street swells and a couple of dolls, and afterwards he gave me a ride back to his house to celebrate. New York is filled with celebratory souls. And Steven knows them all. I think one of the reasons Steven and I are still friends is that we Yankees win so much, giving him something to celebrate at least 90 times a year.The Weekend  (April 18, 1927)Jumpin' Joe Dugan  (April 22, 1927)Hoyt the Mortician  (April 27, 1927)The Flood. The General. And Sam Rice's Secret.  (May 27, 1927)Bowling On Long Island: "Nine Pins To Eight"  (June 6, 1927)A Walk Through the Park. A Shoe Shine. And the Man Who Fixed the World Series.  (June 8, 1927)"Every Day"  (June 20, 1927)Coney Island  (June 27, 1927)July 4th. And The Center Of The Universe.  (July 6, 1927)Eels and Inventions  (July 19, 1927)He doesn’t say anything more. He’s waiting for me to ask the question correctly. I try to wait him out, but he’s stubborn. Finally, I give up.“Okay, how do you make a ton of money?”Terror in New York — Sacco and Vanzetti  (August 10, 1927)“The rest of the world is just dumping all their problems on us,” Steven’s frequently grumbling. “These aren’t the best and the finest. The best ones, the successful ones, stay back in their home countries. We get the problems. We get the criminals and rapists.”"Mr. Capone. A Pleasure To See You Again."  (August 19, 1927)Where Am I?  (August 20, 1927)"Every Day I’m Getting Better and Better."  (August 24, 1927)Feeling Sick  (September 12, 1927)The Definition of Suicide.  (September 16, 1927)I click off the lights, and as I turn to leave the room I take one more look outside at Steven’s dream, his Alice In Wonderland garden. The smile of the Cheshire Cat is completely gone. There are no lights on at all. And then I see him.He’s lying on the grass.There’s a gun by his side.

