RNC Highlights and Mrs. Trump’s Speech

Hear the main point of Day 1 at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

The Diatrix View
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2016



First, let’s look at the major media buzz that came out of this. The hype leading up to last night’s speeches over “Make America Safe Again” was mostly surrounding the speech the Republican Nominee, Donald Trump’s, wife Melania. Her speech on her husband was mainly focused on how Don would “get it done.” However, later it was discovered she had said words with striking similarities to a speech given by the current FLOTUS Michelle Obama in 2008. Now the media, described by Mr. Trump as “liberal,” is on full offensive — saying Melania plagiarized some parts almost line-by-line. Plagiarism is a huge political smear and was even held over President Obama by Secretary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic Primary. How this pans out for the Trump campaign remains to be seen.

Secondly, we can set our gaze on the actual focus of the RNC Day 1 — Make America Safe Again. The speechs, from people such as Willie Robertson and Scott Baio, focused on how Donald would “get it done,” fortify the security of our country, and strengthen a weak immigration system. Already, some complain of the choice of speakers, bringing up the GOP of old’s massive celebrity extraveganzas.

While the convention overall was peaceful, one specific conflict to note was the final attempt of the “Never Trump” rogue delegates to force a rules vote. This was a ploy to stop Donald by allowing delegates to vote according to their own will and desire. To call the vote, seven states were necessary to oblige. It was very uncertain at times how many states they had on their side, however. Sometimes the number seemed to fluctuate from about eight or nine to a few above ten. In the end, only six favored the rules vote and the plot was blocked. This dealt a massive blow to the “Never Trump” delegates, and it appears that no motion could now stop him from being the GOP’s nominee.

To the Polls

To give you an idea of the state of the general election, I look to the current polling averages of Real Clear Politics (a site collecting all polling data that is valid and using it to calculate a spread). It appears that although the race just a few weeks ago was tight, with Mrs. Clinton at a 5-point average above Trump. The election has gotten even closer, with Hillary at just over a 2-point lead with voters. Either way, the events of the last few days should be reflected in the polling soon, so we’ll get a more accurate idea of the state of the race by then.



The Diatrix View

Hear everything. Discuss everything. Writing in the US, talking about whatever comes to mind. (Politics and Tech)