
Milan Stürmer
The Digital Condition
1 min readOct 2, 2019

Week 1 — Beginning 21.10.2019

Reading: The Practical Order as Pivotal by Margaret S. Archer

Introduction by Mark Carrigan

Week 2 — Beginning 28.10.2019

Reading: Cognition in High Frequency Trading: The Costs of Consciousness and the Limits of Automation by Armin Beverungen and Ann-Christina Lange

Introduction by Milan Stürmer

Week 3 — Beginning 04.11.2019

Reading: (Re)framing Big Data: Activating Situated Knowledges and a Feminist Ethics of Care in Social Media Research by Mary Elizabeth Luka and Mélanie Millette

Introduction by Naomi Barnes

Week 4 — Beginning 11.11.2019

Reading: The Attention Economy and the Net by Michael H. Goldhaber

Introduction by Ellen Santa Maria

Week 5 — Beginning tba

Reading: Digital transformation of social theory. A research Update by Steffen Roth

Introduction by Lars Clausen

Week 6 — Beginning tba

Reading: Law of Forms by G. Spencer Brown, p. 1–11 + Laws of Form (Commentary) by Louis H. Kauffman

Introduction by Steven Watson

Week 7 — Beginning tba

Reading: The Age of Disruption: Technology and Madness in Computational Capitalism (Exzerpts) by Bernard Stiegler

Introduction by Neal Thomas

Week 8 — Beginning tba

Reading: Feelings without Feelers, or Affectivity as Environmental Force by Mark B. N. Hansen

Introduction by Christian Schwinghammer



Milan Stürmer
The Digital Condition

Researcher @MedialeTeilhabe, Institute of Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media (ICAM)@Leuphana_Uni looking at debt and technology for his PhD. Personal acc.