A Summer in an Office Without Windows? Sign me up!

A guide to the Digital Corps summer office culture.

Maddy Gross
The Digital Corps
4 min readJun 6, 2018


Every office has its own flow, and we’re no different. But being on a college campus means that once finals week ends and students move out, a lot changes. We have different hours, assigned seating to promote interdisciplinary collaboration, new projects, and more! Read more to learn how our office culture changes during the summer semester.

Where are all the students? In the office, of course!

College students are busy during the school year. We fit in a set amount of hours each week at the Digital Corps between our class schedules and other activities. In the summer, full-time and part-time students are all hustling and bustling. Unlike during the school year, we ensure a set time for collaboration and project meetings by requiring students to be in the office between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Make your summer desk #cubiclegoals

During the school year, students can come and go into the office as they please; finding whatever seating is open when they get in. We can sit by our friends, members of our team, or members of other teams. However, in the summertime, we have assigned seating. Students are seated with members outside of their disciplines as a way to facilitate project coordination and promote cross-team interaction.

Students don’t really seem to mind assigned seating because it allows them to have their own desk and workspace. Some members keep it simple and just have their laptop and monitor on their desk, while others bring pictures, pencil holders, and other fun gadgets. Design Team member, Lindsey Geiser, joked her summer set up as preparation for “livin’ that cubicle life.”

Lindsey Geiser, Design Specialist, organizes her space with a bamboo monitor stand, magnets, and pictures from home.

We talk the talk (not really, but we try)

Did we mention college students are busy? During the Fall and Spring semesters, working with one another can be a tasking process. All 70 students are never in the office at the same time due to varying work and class schedules. Summertime is ideal for collaborating with co-workers and scheduling meetings.

Websites, videos, and strategic plans — oh my!

Each year, the Digital Corps grows in its project scope. This summer, we are working on … drumroll please … 35 different projects! Wowza! We are working with various Ball State colleges, departments, and centers to create a product that matches their needs.

One project we are particularly excited to release is The Chirper mobile application. The Chirper was originally created by the Digital Corps in 2008 was the first student-made app created for a university. Ten years later, we decided it needed an upgrade. This time around, we not only include the classic “Chirp Chirp!” noisemaker triggered by tapping the screen or shaking your device, but it now also includes three Ball State themed games, a fight song sing-along, and keyboard stickers! See other app features.

You can find The Chirper app on Google Play or the App Store today!

Tick tock, time for growth
Not only are students expected to meet goals and deadlines for projects, they also make personal goals to achieve by the end of the summer. Most students have decided to learn a new skill or earn a new certification. Although we aren’t in classes, we’re still putting on our thinking caps and studying for various certifications in Adobe®️ or Google Adwords. One student plans on learning more about neural networks, another wants to direct her own short film, and one is even starting his own design goods company.

Flowers aren’t the only things that bloom in the summer

Friendship is amazing, isn’t it? TONS of friendships are formed between Corps students over the summer because, let’s be honest, no one wants to explore Muncie all by their lonesome. Co-workers are constantly planning canoeing trips, Starbucks runs, lunch dates, camping trips, and movie nights outside of the office.

Students from the Digital Corps travel to Red River Gorge in Kentucky for a weekend of camping, hiking, and enjoying the outdoors!

Although the Digital Corps changes a bit for the summer, the fun and work ethic doesn’t. We have awesome opportunities for new projects, styles, and friendships. Before we know it, the summer will be over and we will be back to the ole’ grind!

