Navigating Ball State University’s Career Fair

Maddy Gross
The Digital Corps
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2018

No matter if this is your first-ever Career Fair or your eyes are peeled for a full-time position, career fairs can be an overwhelming place. Each semester, Ball State University hosts its biannual Career Fair full of over 180 companies throughout Indiana and the country. Held in Worthen Arena, the event hosts thousands of students looking for new opportunities.

If you’re unsure of how to navigate Ball State University’s seasonal Career Fair, look no further. Follow the simple guide below to land your dream internship or lock in a full-time position.

Before the Career Fair

Use Cardinal Career Link and download Career Fair Plus.
Cardinal Career Link and the Career Fair Plus mobile app (iOs and Android) for Ball State University are the best places to be in-the-know for all-things Career Fair. Use these resources to see which companies will come, where they will be located, and what positions they have open.

Do company research.
Pick 3–5 companies you really want to talk to at this semester’s Career Fair. They can be your dream companies or just companies who are offering positions in your career area of interest. Research their company history, company values, CEO, recent news articles, and anything else that would be helpful to know before stepping into Worthen.

Perfect your resume & elevator pitch.
Polish your resume to update your latest skills, projects, and activities. Be sure to have a second pair of eyes take a look to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. Also practice your elevator pitch — your response to the infamous question you will hear throughout the day: “tell me about yourself.” This should be a maximum 60-second highlight about who you are and what you do related to the company and the positions they have available. Use the (FREE) services at the Ball State University Career Center to ensure these components are ready to go for Career Fair Day.

During the Career Fair

Familiarize yourself with the area.
Get yourself comfortable with your surroundings. Take a lap around Worthen Arena and observe where different companies are located. You could find companies that you may not have noticed in the Career Center App. Understanding the layout will help you strategically plan out who you will talk to and in what order. This is important because you may want to practice your elevator pitch before you arrive at your dream company’s booth.

Professional dress is a must.
It is smart to dress like you are interviewing for your dream job. This way, you will make a great impression no matter which employers you talk to. It’s best to go for a neutral, conservative look. If you aren’t sure what to wear, business professional is the best default. For more information about how to dress, check out this article from Morgan Hunter. Don’t forget to take advantage of the free headshots at the Career Fair to update your LinkedIn profile!

Speak to at least 3 of your top companies… or more!
This step is where a solid handshake, elevator pitch, and excellent engagement come into play. Visit at least 3 companies who you have researched. Notice that you are selling yourself to the company as much as they are trying to sell themselves to you! Show off your big accomplishments and see if their company could be the right fit for you. Don’t forget to grab business cards with contact information… you’ll need those later!

After the Career Fair

Follow-up recruiters you had a connection with.
If you spoke to a particular recruiter regarding their company or open positions, reach out to them! Connect with them on LinkedIn or shoot them an email to show your appreciation for their time and to emphasize your interest in their company.

Apply to open positions.
Most companies will provide print materials with a list of available positions and steps to apply. It is helpful to keep track of the companies you contact in a spreadsheet. As you write cover letters, mention who you spoke with at the Career Fair and tell how meeting that person increased your enthusiasm for that company.

Schedule interviews or follow-up meetings, if applicable.
Depending on the company and open positions available, some employers host on-campus interviews after the Career Fair. Be proactive; ask companies if they are offering these opportunities and move from there.

Navigating any Career Fair can be stressful. However, it can be minimized if you plan accordingly, execute your plan on arrival, and stick the landing with the proper follow-up procedure. With these simple steps, finding your next internship or job will be a breeze!

