Senior Exit Interview: Eric Barlow

Emmelyn Brandt
The Digital Corps
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2016


Eric Barlow, a master on the Video Team, has been working at the Digital Corps for two and a half years. Eric has had the “honor” to serve as a liaison between the staff and students during his time here as a master, something that a lot of his co-workers have been really grateful for.

“We have a very open workplace, but if for some reason there is something that students don’t feel they can talk to the staff about or don’t know how to talk to the staff about it, they feel comfortable coming to me.”

Being a master with the Corps has put Eric in an interesting role because he has had to learn to manage his peers which can be tough at times.

“It’s hard for your peers to really listen to you sometimes and it’s hard to tell your peers — your friends — what to do in a workplace,” said Eric.

Soft Skills, a weekly staff meeting with a focus on life skills, gave Eric a lot of “interpersonal professionalism” that students don’t usually develop until after graduation when they are working at their first job.

Eric was just accepted into the MBA program at Ball State.

“I’m hoping to stick around at the Corps as well and be here as a Graduate Student for two more years while I get my MBA.” said Eric.

Eric wished that he had joined the Corps sooner. He also offered up advice for his freshman self.

“You should enjoy your four years here and use the time to figure out what you want to do. But if you can’t figure out what you want to do, figure out what you don’t want to do,” said Eric. “That’s what I’ve done. It’s just as valuable sometimes.”

