Senior Exit Interview: Rachel Giese

Emmelyn Brandt
The Digital Corps


Design Specialist Rachel Giese has been with the Corps for three years now. Her favorite Corps projects have been the projects that give her a little more creative freedom.

“I designed graphics for incoming animators to practice on, and I really liked doing that because I just liked being able to sit at a blank screen and have a job with a bunch of different paths to accomplish that goal,” said Rachel.

Rachel, an Advertising major, joined the Corps when the Communication team did not exist. She became a part of the Design team where she was able to gain a lot of her design skills.

“It’s amazing how much I have been able to learn and gather from the Digital Corps that’s going to help me in my career.”

After graduation, Rachel will be interning at MSK Advertising in Indianapolis for the summer. Then, in the fall she will head to Nashville to intern at redpepper, a creative advertising agency.

The Corps has taught Rachel a lot about technology, but more importantly about teamwork.

“The Corps made me a people person,” said Rachel, “I already was, but there’s a difference between being a people person and talking with people, but actually being able to listen to what they want to accomplish with something and working together to accomplish a goal.”

When thinking back over her college years, Rachel wishes she would have spent more time learning.

“There are so many things that I would love to learn and the four years that I had to do it — or at least the best time I had to learn something — … are pretty much up,” said Rachel, “it’s just something as a freshman I would have tried to learn every single thing I was remotely interested in because you never know what could happen.”

