What Marketers Need to Know About Human Behavior

Benson Sung
The Digital Entrepreneur
3 min readSep 19, 2018

Advertising, in all forms, aims to do one thing: compel people to take action by appealing to their inherent emotions and needs.

So, effective marketers must be intuitive about the facets of human behavior. They need to know what drives people to purchase goods or services; what deep rooted-qualities we all possess that we don’t even realize.

Perhaps one of the most important resources marketers use to understand the psychology of human behavior is the 6 Principles of Influence originally established by Dr. Robert Cialdini. Despite being written in 1984, these principles are ingrained in modern marketing, both online and offline.

The human brain is a complex thing beyond the scope of a single blog post, but here is a simplified breakdown of Cialdini’s 6 Principles of Influence:


People are more inclined to do something for you if you have already done something for them. So, giving a little usually results in getting a little in return.

Creating a company blog is a popular way a business can utilize the principle of reciprocity. They offer their readers valuable information, increasing the chance those readers become actual customers.


They say money makes the world go round. Scarcity is what makes money, well, money.

Scarcity is the premise that the rarer something is, the more value it holds. In a business, scarcity can easily be implemented through very simple time-restraint or low-supply prompts.


When someone provides credibility, they hold more authority and influential power within that subject area.

This is why we are more inclined to buy a toothpaste if we are told it’s been recommended by dentists, or why we buy certain clothing brands worn by fashion icons.

In the digital marketing world, the principle of authority is commonly used through influencers who have an established trust with an audience.


People are generally consistent. If they make a small initial commitment, they are more likely to make a larger commitment to the same thing.

Companies use this principle by asking leads to sign up for regular emails/newsletters as a stepping stone towards becoming an actual customer.


People are more inclined to trust you when they like you.

But what makes someone like you? According to Dr. Cialdini, there are three simple factors to liking someone: similarities, compliments, and cooperation towards shared goals.

Yet companies aren’t people, so getting their audience to like them can seem tricky. However, establishing a brand personality through a ‘voice’, values, and social campaigns can skyrocket a companies likeability immensely.


We are more likely to do something when we know that others similar to us have done the same thing. It’s a part of our herd mentality.

Businesses often use testimonies as a method to probe the principle of consensus in prospective customers. Testimonies provide the social proof that a service was used and liked by the target audience.

Marketing meets at the corner of advertising and psychology. Marketers don’t need a psychology degree, but starting with these 6 principles of influence is essential for marketers to deliver results.

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Benson Sung
The Digital Entrepreneur

Preeminent Digital Growth Strategist | Generating $100 MM Every Year For Clients Through ROI Driven Digital Strategy [Let's Connect: sungdigitalstrategy.com