Episode 10. Talk with Jasper Visser

Explore in this post the content from the tenth episode of The DH Education Podcast, your program to be updated on the digital heritage education domain.

The topic of the week

Digital engagement is defined as the capacity of keeping the interest of someone on something through digital technologies.

As it is explained in Week 6, there are three dimensions of engagement:

  • Behavioral engagement: where participants are more motivated.
  • Emotional engagement: where participants have powerful affective relationships like interest, enjoyment, or a sense of belonging
  • Cognitive engagement: where the participant’s impact on the project is bigger as they try to be more involved

Three of them can be developed with digital means as it is the relationship between the content and the technological means which engage with the audience. As young people use technology very often, it is the way the content is displayed that engages them apart from other disruptive technological advances which attract them due to newness. In this process, the digital storytelling, the gamification processes, the capacity of digital immersion, and the ways of learning and perceiving what is around them with their senses are really important.

For this reason, digital engagement is the key process for connecting with young people very quickly if the strategy is well developed.

After this introduction, let me propose some questions to discuss today with our speaker: How digital engagement can be produced? How is it possible to develop a successful digital engagement strategy to engage with young people through heritage education resources?

A talk with Jasper Visser

Watch the tenth episode of the podcast where I talk with Jasper Visser about the relevance of digital engagement for involving your stakeholders to succeed on your educational projects, the key elements to produce digital engagement with your audience based on the Digital Engagement Framework, the way to apply it in small and medium digital projects and his recommendations to produce the best engageable heritage education experience for young people.

Episode 10. Talk with Jasper Visser. The Digital Heritage Education Project. CC BY-SA

To know more



It aims to explore and inform the connections between our cultural organizations and their communities by capitalizing on the emergence of new and democratizing digital technologies. It seeks to extend the language of engagement through the medium of accessible, customizable, and personal digital experiences.

The researchers have published four toolkits on the website and some case studies and good practices of creative museums.

The project brings together internationally renowned artists, designers, museum professionals, and researchers to help museums create hybrid experiences: Experiences that combine the physical and digital to create personal encounters with cultural heritage. The website of the project is a repository of digital tools and planning tools for improving digital engagement in physical spaces.

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Thank you for reading!



Raul Gomez Hernandez
The Digital Heritage Education Blog

Cultural Heritage PhD student| Digital Project Manager in cultural heritage |Digital Heritage & Education | The Digital Heritage Education Project