Episode 15. Methodology for developing digital heritage educational resources. Workflow, actions, and tools.

Explore in this post the content from the fifteenth episode of The DH Education Podcast, your program to be updated on the digital heritage education domain.

The topic of the week

In this episode of the podcast, I would like to introduce a new methodology for developing digital heritage education resources addressed to young people between 12 and 30-year-old.

This methodology focused on the European museum background is ubiquitous, adaptable, and based on horizontal work and participation aimed at getting a better engagement with their audience.

Taking the actual situation covered in previous essays and case studies in this blog, the general strategy should be focused on getting a safe space where all stakeholders could build trust and align motivations to get results through participative processes.

The workflow proposed to use in this strategy is mainly a combination of the lineal project workflow explained in Week 6 and the four dimensions of the digital heritage educational resources from Week 14.

To help this process, a series of canvases have been published in the essay of this week and several actions and tools will be explained now in this podcast.

Workflow, actions, and tools.

Watch the fifteenth episode of the podcast where I talk about a new methodology for developing digital heritage education resources, their steps, actions, and tools.

Episode 15. Workflow, actions, and tools. The Digital Heritage Education Project. CC BY-SA

Click here to find the transcript from the podcast

To know more



This project aims to help cultural operators to communicate their interests at the European level. For this purpose, a dialogue platform has been developed that brings together representatives of the cultural sector from all EU member states with the European Commission.

This project is based on the creation of a European platform with online tools for youth workers, employment agents, and volunteers who work with young people on a daily basis. The need is determined by a lack of knowledge and specialist advice for young people about job opportunities in the field of cultural heritage.

Thank you very much for listening to this podcast!

COME LAD SLIP ACROSS AND HELP. Temple University Propaganda. CC0

This is the end of the Digital heritage Education Podcasts. Thank you very much for being here with me through these episodes. I hope you enjoy and learn about this topic.



Raul Gomez Hernandez
The Digital Heritage Education Blog

Cultural Heritage PhD student| Digital Project Manager in cultural heritage |Digital Heritage & Education | The Digital Heritage Education Project