Episode 8. Talk with Nicole McNeilly and Maria Drabczyk

Explore in this post the content from the eighth episode of The DH Education Podcast, your program to be updated on the digital heritage education domain.

The topic of the week

To have a social impact on someone is defined as having a strong effect. In culture, cultural heritage, and also in education, the social effect that produces an action has a powerful repercussion on how people perceive their daily life

So, designing an effective impact assessment strategy is something really important for all. It implies thinking about how to measure this effect, narrate it, and learn from it using tools and actions taken from previous case studies to know how your actions affect your surroundings.

In this impact assessment, it is important to think about how the stakeholders are involved in. They should be part of all discussions but it does not happen in all cases

In this process not only stakeholders must be under control but also resources used, activities made, and outputs in short term and outcomes in long term. The way all the quantitative analysis is taken and transposed to an understandable mode is also important. For this reason, it is recommendable to use the most effective digital storytelling tools to involve all stakeholders in the post-project actions to improve what they do.

An example of a strategy is the Europeana Impact Playbook, a toolkit for digital heritage that can be very useful for doing an impact assessment of any digital heritage education resource and project for young people.

After this introduction, let me propose some questions to discuss today with our speakers: How can be defined a good impact assessment strategy? Is the Europeana Impact Playbook ready-to-use for being implemented on heritage education resources?

A talk with Nicole McNeilly and Maria Drabczyk

Watch the eighth episode of the podcast where I talk with Nicole McNeilly and Maria Drbczyk about their experience developing and implementing as facilitators the Europeana Impact Playbook, an impact toolkit developed by the Europeana Foundation in collaboration with the Impact Community of the Europeana Network Association. During this time we will cover the relevance of the impact assessment for digital transformation, the contents and tools from the Europeana Impact Playbook, their applicability in heritage education projects, and some recommendations for implementing an impact assessment strategy on the development of heritage educational resources.

Episode 8. Talk with Nicole McNeilly and Maria Drbczyk. The DH Education Podcast. CC BY-SA

To know more



It aims to empower policy-makers and decision-makers in the Cultural and Creative Industries to fully understand the social and economic impact of digitisation in their sectors and address the need for innovative (re)use of cultural assets

It aims to promote collective reflection within the cultural and political sector in Europe on the impact assessment and quality of interventions in European historical environment and cultural heritage at urban level.

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Thank you for reading!



Raul Gomez Hernandez
The Digital Heritage Education Blog

Cultural Heritage PhD student| Digital Project Manager in cultural heritage |Digital Heritage & Education | The Digital Heritage Education Project