Episode 1: A talk with Susan Hazan

Banner from the DH Education Podcast. Raul Gomez Hernandez. CC BY-SA

Explore in this post the content from the first episode of The DH Education Podcast, your program to be updated on the digital heritage education domain.

The topic of the week

During the 32nd session of the UNESCO General Conference, the Charter on the Preservation of the Digital Heritage was approved.

This document describes “digital heritage as resources of human knowledge or expression, whether cultural, educational, scientific and administrative, or embracing technical, legal, medical and other kinds of information, are increasingly created digitally, or converted into digital form from existing analog resources”.

It means digital heritage is a new type of cultural heritage as it is the unique one born digitally. Taking this approach, this new type is real, authentic and it has its own materiality and it is not a copy of other items. In other words, it has its own aura.

Taking this point of view, it would be important to think about how powerful is the immaterial aspect of this type of heritage and how is the relationship with the audience in terms of emotions and embodiment.

To know more about this aspect, let me propose new questions: do we need to take a different approach to get a powerful connection with this new type of heritage? Is it only needed to work on putting them in context? Are museums understood as what we know today the perfect place to develop this connection? Are the new generations taking a different approach with reality using new technologies?

A talk with Susan Hazan

Watch the first episode of the podcast where I talk with Susan Hazan about the definition of digital heritage, the future of museums, the role of heritage education today, and how young people respond to the technological innovations in museums.

Episode 1. A talk with Susan Hazan. CC BY-SA.

To know more…



In this project, researchers are developing tools for participatory engagement, evaluating impact, and using digital cultural heritage for social inclusion.

This project aims to develop tools to stimulate engagement between cultural heritage and young people through experiments in cooperation and participation of the audience.

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Thank you for reading!



Raul Gomez Hernandez
The Digital Heritage Education Blog

Cultural Heritage PhD student| Digital Project Manager in cultural heritage |Digital Heritage & Education | The Digital Heritage Education Project