Week 2. Digital learning and museums

Švėkšnos vidurinės mokyklos VI b klasės mokiniai su mokytoja Agripina Barkauskiene.

The first week was completed. Welcome to WEEK 2!

During this second week, we will explore together the digital transformation of heritage education in European museums during the last few years.

As every week, an essay will be posted in the blog and a talk will be recorded in the podcast.

Families. Arts and Culture in Education Research Repository. CC BY-NC-ND

The essay of this week is an introductory article around the state of museum education in COVID-19 time. It is titled Connecting digital technologies with museum education. The state of the sector during the COVID-19 pandemic and explores how digital education is integrated into European museums, how and which educational initiatives born during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how digital heritage education helps to improve the learning outcomes and abilities.

Radio 3 maj 1968. Örebro läns museum. Public Domain

In the second episode of the podcast, we will talk on Sunday with Margherita Sani about the state of heritage education in European museums today, the most important strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats highlighted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, how European educators are facing to distance learning and blended learning today and much more.

To know more about the podcast, subscribe to the Youtube channel and follow us on Spotify, Ivoox, Google Podcast, and more.

Enjoy this second week and sign up for the newsletter if you haven’t done it yet. Don’t forget to follow the project on social media.

Thank you for reading!



Raul Gomez Hernandez
The Digital Heritage Education Blog

Cultural Heritage PhD student| Digital Project Manager in cultural heritage |Digital Heritage & Education | The Digital Heritage Education Project