Welcome to the Week 11 Newsletter!

Raul Gomez Hernandez
The Digital Heritage Education Blog


3 min readMay 3, 2021


Thank you very much for being subscribed to this weekly newsletter and thank you for all your support for this project.

You will find here a compilation of posts published in this blog during the week including essays, research updates, news, some recommendations, and future plans for the next week.

So, if you are a usual reader of this blog, share this newsletter with other colleagues inviting them to sign up for it and get new information before less frequent readers.

Posts from Week 11: 26 April–2 May 2021

Using Virtual Reality to treat paranoia. Wellcome Collection. CC BY

Week 11. Digital immersive environments. Engaging by enveloping your audience.

Take an overview from Week 11. Explore the content included on the weekly essay and the weekly episode from The DH Education Podcast Read the post

Happy Birthday, Beethoven. Elisabetta Nanni. CC BY-SA

Immersive experiences: new realities for heritage education

Explore how immersive experiences and spaces are key to produce engagement with the audience and how a digital immersive resource or platform can be produced. It includes a theoretical framework to the topic and practical examples from different sources. Read the post

Episode 11. Talk with David W. Sime

Explore in this post the content of the eleventh episode of The DH Education Podcast. Find the transcript and recommendations from the talk with David W. Sime about immersive environments in digital heritage education resources for young people. Read the post

What happens next week?

Families. Arts and Culture in Education Research Repository. CC BY-NC-ND

In the twelfth week, we will take an overview of the museum learning outcomes. We will explore how important they are and how to combine them with school learning outcomes to produce effective heritage learning resources for young people.

In the podcast, we will speak with an expert to know more about how important they are, how to evaluate them, and how to work together with museum educators and teachers for creating the best heritage learning materials for young people through digital technologies.

To know more about the podcast, subscribe to the Youtube channel and follow us on Spotify, Ivoox, Google Podcast, and more.

If you want to be updated, follow the project on social media.

Thank you for reading!



Raul Gomez Hernandez
The Digital Heritage Education Blog

Cultural Heritage PhD student| Digital Project Manager in cultural heritage |Digital Heritage & Education | The Digital Heritage Education Project