Welcome to this blog!

A plane in early XXth century is starting to fly
Start med en hängglidare. Alex Stöcker. Tekniska Museet. Public Domain

Hello, everyone! Welcome to The Digital Heritage Education Blog!

My name is Raul Gomez Hernandez and I am a Master’s student in Cultural Heritage Management at Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Now I’m doing my internship in the Collection Engagement team at Europeana Foundation working on tasks like content curation, event coordination, educational project management, and community management with the Europeana Education community.

For my Master’s Dissertation, I’m developing an assessment methodology for educational resources using digital cultural heritage assets focused on European museum platforms and educational projects to engage young people from 12 to 30 years old.

This essay is not only a written work but also a transmedia research project where all the stakeholders (educators, young people, creatives, and museums) are involved in. They will be working together for selecting the best practices in an open and transversal way using the project tools: the blog, the social media (see the navigation bar), and the podcast.

With this purpose, the Digital Heritage Education Project was born.

If you want to be updated, please sign up for the newsletter and follow the project on social media.

Thank you for reading!



Raul Gomez Hernandez
The Digital Heritage Education Blog

Cultural Heritage PhD student| Digital Project Manager in cultural heritage |Digital Heritage & Education | The Digital Heritage Education Project