5 Lies We Believe About Attaining Success

It’s what may stop you

Ria Vanessa Caliste
The Digital Journals
2 min readFeb 21, 2023


Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

Success means different things to each of us.

Success can be completing school, starting your own business, going back to school or venturing into a new field of training.

These are just a few.

However, no matter your goal, your beliefs about being able to attain what you desire can lead to achieving or not achieving success.

You may not be conscious of it, but there are lies you believe about success that hampers you from achieving this goal.

Success is for persons who have money — A quick scan of the internet or listening to famous persons stories all seem to have something in common. They all began with nothing but believed to become something. Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, Richard Branson to name a few. If you believe in yourself, others will invest in you.

Success requires the right connections — Meeting the right people can open the door for many great opportunities. However, you wouldn’t just meet people by wishing. As you begin to join groups and participate in events or activities with like- minded people it prepares the way for creating the connections even if you know no one!

Stepping out and up is necessary to achieve this.

It should happen quickly — Depending on your dream it may take one year, five years or even ten.

One thing is clear, there isn’t any overnight success.

Believing that success will happen overnight will doom one to give up even before starting!

There is an ebb and flow as you progress with whatever your goal is.

There may be times you procrastinate or stop, but even if you do, begin again.

Giving up is when the goal is unrealized.

Everyone else made it easy — If you read of persons who became multimillionaires, they can tell of a time when they were unknown and in many cases there dream was even laughed at. Henry Ford when he stated he was going to build an automobile was told that he is insane.

Many times he was tempted to give up but with encouragement and belief in his dream, he persisted.

Success is only for persons with academics — We all know of persons who didn’t complete school and was able to successful create a thriving and well know business the world around. Steve Jobs is one such example. He believed in his dream and despite setbacks he persisted in realizing it without a college degree.

We can produce excuses for not trying and they would all be valid. However, don’t believe the lies your mind and society gives. Pursue consistently and you will achieve your goals.



Ria Vanessa Caliste
The Digital Journals

Engaging on a life long path of self discovery. Counselor, Writer for life. Connect with me at: axiomcounsel@gmail.com or www.axiomcounsel.com