Jessica Gale Friesen
The Digital Journals
3 min readDec 2, 2021


Alanis Morissette and Her Jagged Little Pill

It has been twenty five years since I bought my first CD. Yup, a compact disc. I’d been given a portable CD player for Christmas, along with my very first CD (TLC’s Crazy, Sexy, Cool). But the first CD I ever bought myself? I’ll never forget the feeling. The excitement of going all the way to the mall — I wasn’t old enough drive, so my mom took me — entering Sam The Record Man, and scouring the shelves for it. The only CD I wanted. To me, the most ground-breaking, earth-shattering, rebellious, reckless, angry rocker girl — who happened to be Canadian — Alanis Morissette and her Jagged Little Pill album.

I was young enough that I didn’t really understand the lyrics, some of the metaphors sailing over my head, but the beat made my heart sing. The wailing, shrieking, echoes of Alanis’s voice made me feel like I could take on the world. I would listen to that album on the bus every day — all the way to school, and all the way home. I would play it in my bedroom. I would play it at parties. It went everywhere with me.

So, how did I forget how much I loved Alanis Morissette? I haven’t thought of her in years. The last time was probably when she was dating Ryan Reynolds (to me, they were the ultimate Canadian fairytale — move over Avril and Chad!)

Recently, I saw a trailer for the new HBO documentary “Jagged” — which, in its final product, is not endorsed by the artist.

Will I be watching the documentary? Probably not. If she feels its not her truth, why would I?

Did it put Alanis Morissette back into my mind. You betcha!!

I almost immediately went to the iTunes store and downloaded the “Alanis Morissette Essentials”. I threw my airbuds into my ears and once again listened to those blistering vocals and scathing lyrics (this time, understanding and laughing at her courage). I played it as I walked my dogs. I played it as I drove to work.

And then…. I played it as I drove in the car with my daughter.

Does she understand all the lyrics? No. Does that matter? Not to me. She understands enough that she knows some of the lyrics are risque, and not to be repeated. More importantly, she understands that these are the lyrics of a young woman who is expressing her frustration, hurt, and anger through music. It is powerful, it is emotional, and it resonated with Camryn in 2021 just as much as it did with me in 1996.

About three-quarters through ‘Ironic’ Camryn looked at me and said “I don’t know who this is, but WOW! I love her!”

I explained to her exactly who Alanis Morissette is to me — a brave, strong, Canadian entrepreneur. A woman who was not afraid to take chances, and do what SHE wanted — not what a label wanted her to do.

She is a woman I am happy to have my daughter idolize. Not because Alanis is perfect — because no one is. But because Alanis knew who she was and what she wanted. She worked hard for it, fought battles we will never know, and SHE SUCCEEDED.

Life is hard. My daughter needs to know that success does not come easy, and that when you are a trailblazer you will constantly be criticized. She needs to know that doing what everyone else is doing will NEVER allow you to shine.

She needs to know that being different is GOOD.

So, from me to you, Alanis, thank you for being you. Thank you for being one example I can proudly show my daughter.

You’re being loved by another generation of Canadians. Considering all you’ve been through — isn’t that ironic? ;)

Until next time……………………………… XO-JGF

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Jessica Gale Friesen
The Digital Journals

Each day is a surprise - some good, some bad, but all stories are relatable and writable. Writer of fiction and nonfiction