Dogs Get Mad, People Get Angry

Mary Lou Heater
The Digital Journals
4 min readOct 23, 2021


What makes you see red?

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

My mother wore her anger like a badge of honor. She bragged how she once chased her little brother around the house with a knife. I never knew what triggered her ire. But there is always something underneath the anger.

What brings this to mind is, after years of hearing the yelling, door slamming, and squealing tires from the condo next to mine, this past week my 18-year-old neighbor threatened and/or attempted to kill his mother. Red lights flashed in my bedroom window. Barely recognizable as the boy that daily walked his dog, rode his bike, and wanted to study real estate law, I saw a handcuffed, rage-filled, tearful man being hauled away in a cop car. Uncontrolled anger destroys lives.

Anger is a secondary human emotion. A reactive behavior, folks say things like:

“I lost my cool.”

“I just snapped.”

“I spazzed out.”

“I went ballistic.”

Personally, I say “it got my Irish up,” or in more serious situations, “I’m f…ing pissed.” I have been known to honk my horn, throw a book, or raise my voice. Some say they see red or “I got hot.” One guy described it like a fiery red ball sitting right in front of his face. Black out rage.



Mary Lou Heater
The Digital Journals

Doctor of Nursing Practice specializing in adult mental heath, aging and addictions. Writer, lover of words, and ideas.