Zehra Amir Ali
The Digital Journals
4 min readSep 8, 2023

Highly Contagious Infection….

Infection on Eyes

Ahhh! Damm true that was such a terrible pain which I bore on the last days.. It was eye flu which is scientifically known as conjunctivitis.. Nowadays it spreads outbreak in every age and many countries, specifically in India and pakistan. In a vast aspect it affects the whole family as it spreads so rapidly to everyone surrounding the infected one. This infection itself does not give loss of vision but it gives blurred vision on infected days..

As far as I know, I got an eye flue from an infected person while providing care although I was wearing protective goggles so it all depends on boosting up your immunity as much as you can and how prolonged you close contact with the infected one. There are many symptoms I could face for the first time which affect my whole daily routine,work place; family and surrondings. Symptoms including; fever , body aches, increased tear production, crusting of eyelids especially in morning,pressure inside eyeball, heaviness on both eyes, glittery, loss of sleep at night due to sticky eyes and discharge… Some people might be suffer from a swelling thin layer that lies above white part of the eye, burning ,itching and discharge from the eye, often accompanied by discomfort. etc…

On Peak Days

On the one hand, it’s very important to know the incubation period which is 5–12 days at least for eye flu and how infections are transmitted rapidly to each other. It spreads through germs if the infected one touches objects then touches your eyes without washing hands. It might be spread with air, sneezing and coughing.it also spreads so quickly with shaking hands, touching and close contact of infected ones.

Rubbing Eyes Dangerous on infected days

On the other hand, I must share my treatment and recovery which was usually a week. I used medically prescribed eye drops thrice a day, separated my belongings,frequent hand wash and eye wash ,cold compression and painkillers too. The other fast recovery and best preventions would be;

  • Hygiene: Practicing good hand hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of conjunctivitis, especially if it is viral or bacterial. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, and avoid touching or rubbing your eyes.
  • Cold Compresses: Applying a cold, moist compress to your closed eyelids can help relieve discomfort and reduce swelling. Be sure to use a clean cloth each time and avoid sharing towels with others.
  • Prescribed Medications: If your conjunctivitis is bacterial, your doctor may prescribe antibiotic eye drops or ointments. Follow the prescribed treatment regimen diligently to clear the infection.
  • Rest and Avoid Irritants: Give your eyes adequate rest by avoiding activities that may worsen your condition, such as reading or using screens for extended periods. Additionally, avoid cosmetics , swimming ,crowded places and smoke and other irritants that can exacerbate symptoms.
  • Isolation: If you have contagious conjunctivitis, it’s crucial to isolate yourself from others to prevent the spread of the infection. Avoid close contact with family members or coworkers and refrain from sharing personal items like towels or pillowcases.

The most interesting thing I have come to know is that wearing sunglasses or any dark goggles assumes it is to prevent the spread of infection but actually wearing dark glasses when suffering from conjunctivitis is recommended to protect the sensitive eyes from light,irritants and dust only.

Lastly, I finished my write up by saying”every pain gives a lesson”. This infection taught me to wake up at night for meditation. How much tired i used to for whole busy day but due to sticky eyes i woke up and washed my eyes so it makes habits for me today as well to wake up in midnight for start to meditation and thankful for the all blessing i have.



Zehra Amir Ali
The Digital Journals

A Story writer, Care giver, freelancer , teacher, online seller , motivator, content writer, nature explorer, and a mother. https://ko-fi.com/zehraamirali