How To Keep Going When Things Fall Apart

It requires this…..

Ria Vanessa Caliste
The Digital Journals
3 min readJan 12, 2022


Let’s face it, we all have an idea of how we would like to see our lives go.

We hardly ever prepare for our death, we think it is very morose to consider and spend time accumulating things and wealth, with the hope that it will make us happy or even bring some form of fame.

One day we awake, and things fall apart.

The contract you expected as your next big financial windfall fails to materialize.

While wheeling from this, the relationship that you believed would last a lifetime quickly fizzles and dies, and soon more things that looked promising around you seem to have just ended.

Have you ever felt like this?

I have, and if you can identify with a similar group of situations, you will know that life sometimes hits in unexpected ways leading to unexpected stress and grief and a sense of wondering if there is any sensibility in the world that you exist.

You may question your very existence and wonder what you are doing here and how you can rebound after this.

We are programmed to keep going around and saying that we are “okay” even when we are not.

The reason isn’t anyone’s fault, but most times, people rarely want to hear someone else problems and so rather than troubling others we answer the automatic answer of “I am fine”. “I am good”.

We all desire to be loved and understood, yet few persons take the time to understand self, far less others, so pain makes us uncomfortable and rather than run into it and learn the lessons meant to position us for further growth and development, we run from it.

What can you do then when everything feels like it is falling apart?

Acknowledge your feelings-Trying not to feel how you are feeling wouldn’t ease it. Own and name the various emotions and allow yourself the freedom to do so. This gives you permission to feel and explore your emotions.

Think about persons who can render help if you need -We all need someone to lean on at times, consider who can be there to listen, or just be silent with you if that is what you need.

Look for the positives amidst it- I remember someone telling me this when I was going through a particularly difficult time. I was really upset, they were aware of how difficult it was. There couldn’t be any positive thing about it in my mind. Yet after sometime, I was able to see the positives and years looking back, I have stepped more into my purpose because of the growth that season of challenge presented.

Believe that it will get better- Sometimes this is all you can do to keep going. Keep believing that after a while it will be better than it is now. The rain never last forever.

Learn the lessons -Every experience teaches us something if we let it, doing so prepares us to help others.

Life is unpredictable and at times things will fall apart.

When things fall apart we will feel a wide range of emotions based on the situation.

However, with persistence, we can move beyond just surviving, and thrive, becoming a beacon of encouragement for those after us, who may face similar circumstances.



Ria Vanessa Caliste
The Digital Journals

Engaging on a life long path of self discovery. Counselor, Writer for life. Connect with me at: or