I’m Living By a Single Word Lately

It’s completely changed my outlook on life and what’s possible

Lauren Shroll
The Digital Journals


Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

I’m done with resolutions.

I was catching up with several friends recently and I asked them about their 2023 resolutions. They told me they were no longer making any.

I’ve also been seeing more social posts and email newsletters that seem to reflect a collective change of mindset regarding goals. Is it just me?

The consensus is that resolutions and goals are not enough. And, I agree.

Here’s what I’m doing now:

I’m living my year based on a single word.

Rather than setting a goal (or goals), I’m choosing a word that creates flexibility. My goals have always felt like I’m picking a lane to stay in and I can’t deviate. Choosing a word leaves me open to discovering how my goals will unfold.

Focusing on a single word helps me connect to my inner reasoning of why I want to do the things I do. Instead of facing the “shoulds” of goal setting, I feel like I “get to” do things by living by my word of the year.

To me, a word of the year encompasses more than just setting goals. It involves having a personal vision in mind to stay anchored.

Last Year, I Acted Like…



Lauren Shroll
The Digital Journals

Ax-throwing cake decorator turned tech startup nerd. I write content for B2B SaaS and F&B startups. Website: camilleoutsidethebox.com