Prodigal essays about myself during the Covid-19 pandemic #3 : I think I’m on some eat pray love sh*t.
What’s happened over the course of the pandemic will definitely shape the next significant stage of my life. Moments in-between what should be moments, are dancing so slowly like they have all the time in the world. Therefore I’m here now, playing tug of war between planning inwardly for a sustainable long term and living and loving in the now. Both feel right and require a potent blend of resilience and trust.
I am aware, I have nothing monumental to share right now that will inspire or teach you something but I just wanted to share an update.
As we've seen since 2020, events/crisis/and catastrophes could be a matter of months or even years. So, I can't and probably shouldn't speak in timelines. Time has bended and folded in ways that my epiphany is that I need to do more to own mine.
In religious philosophy an epiphany describes a moment of divine relvelation. In spite of my toddler (bathroom) locs and occasional headwraps, my understanding of the divine, or a feminine devine is newly evolving and therefore limited. Yet, lately Ive found myself getting closer to discoveries that my friends that over post angel numbers on the gram have been getting at.
There are a few guesses I've made that were way off: Coronavirus will be a distant word in our vocabulary by mid 2020 ; the people would still be mad a virus disproportionately affected black and brown people globally because of…