7 Steps for Developing Digital Images

You should check these for every image

Darryl Brooks
The Digital Photographer


A photograph before and after developing

Prior to digital photography, developing images was best left to the experts. Today, with the intelligence built into modern cameras, the camera can handle the processing and do it fairly well. But once you progress to where you are truly getting it right in camera, the next step is to learn to develop your own images. Here are five steps to getting that done.

For post-processing, as they call developing now, you can use the software that came with the camera, Adobe Lightroom, or any of several others. Regardless of the choice, there are a few basic steps you can perform in all of them.

Open the Image in the Software

This can be as simple as copying the files from your camera or card to a folder on your computer and starting the software. But most software allows for more advanced features that you should take advantage of. Not only can the software handle the copying for you, but it can also add information to the image, such as title, keywords, descriptions, and other “metadata.” You can use this to add your personal copyright information. Learn how your software adds metadata and let the software do the work.




Darryl Brooks
The Digital Photographer

Photographer & Writer-I shoot what I see-I write what I feel. Top writer in Photography, Art, Creativity, Productivity, Self Improvement, Business, Life Lessons