10 Best Online Agile Tools List For Project Management In 2022

Digital Project Manager
The Digital Project Manager
2 min readDec 5, 2016

Agile is everyone’s favorite project management and delivery buzzword, but what agile tools can you use to help successfully run an agile project? In this agile tools comparison article, we’re going to explore some of our favorite agile development tools and options for agile project management. First though, let’s explore the criteria for what makes a great agile tool.

Jump straight to the best agile tools for agile project management.

Agile tools for agile projects

Managing agile projects can be tough, so agile tools can be super helpful to help us manage the madness. While agile elevates the idea of self-organizing and self-managing teams in software development, within agencies, there’s arguably still a role for project managers in managing the project more holistically, and when budgets and deliverables are in play, managing the budget burn.

When running agile projects in agencies, internally the project management role is often a team lead role, or Scrum Master, facilitating the team, obtaining resources for it, and protecting it from problems. Externally, the project management role is managing the client’s (or product owner’s) interface with the project, ensuring everyone is on the same page with regards to requirements, prioritization, budgets, and timeline as well as reporting.

The best agile tools have some common for agile project management:

  • Task management — Kanban or Scrum boards with projects, task lists and everything else that goes with it — from files and discussions to time records and expenses.
  • Team collaboration — Communicate updates with local and distributed teams, and share task lists, feedback, and assignments
  • Agile metrics, reporting & analytics — Time tracking and projection, easy-to-understand progress reports for stakeholders, quality assurance, and progress with tools to identify and remedy project obstacles, evaluate performance, and appraise financials
  • Integrations — How well does this play with other tools you’re using — it needs plugins to extend the functionality or at least an open API.

Best Agile tools — what are they?

Everyone loves the idea of agile tools and agile development but what are they exactly? There are an incredible number of agile tools and options. Perhaps even too many. Everyone likes to manage their projects slightly differently so it’s important to try some tools to find what works for you.

Keep reading on https://thedigitalprojectmanager.com/agile-tools/

Originally published at www.thedigitalprojectmanager.com on December 5, 2016.



Digital Project Manager
The Digital Project Manager

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