Digital advertising spends to surpass TV advertising within next decade

Pitch Invasion New Media
The Sports & Digital Blog
2 min readNov 11, 2014


Digital advertising has come a long way since the first banner ad was seen back in 1994. If you were too young to have either seen this or remember this, here’s the first banner ad ever made.

Mike Hanlon discusses the evolution of digital advertising in the twenty years of its existence in this piece form Gizmag and also discusses possibilities about the future.

For something that did not even exist twenty years ago, digital advertising has sure come a long way:

  • 1994: Web advertising is born
  • 2004: Total advertising spend on digital remains at less than 5%
  • 2014: Digital ad share is at 25% and is projected to grow to 33% by 2018

The article finishes with links to some great resources, one of which we found particularly useful:

From the many reports available here, you can also see clear patterns emerge about how the digital advertising scene remains dynamic and once can expect a lot more unexpected over the next 10 years.

Leaving you with a graph that shows just how much things have changed in the last one year. Pay special attention to how the mobile scene has changed in just the last one year.

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