2016 Digital Survival Kit, pt.5

Pruitt? Motherfffffffuck.

Nick Harkaway
The Digital Survival Kit
3 min readDec 12, 2016


And then this happened:

Yeah, because this is just exactly what we need.

Yes. The British press is now soliciting opinions on the Article 50 Supreme Court case from an actual serial killer. And not just your common-or-garden serial killer, but one of the ones who basically haunted Britain’s nightmares from…

… to at least …

Seriously, WTAF?

So I am bringing out the big guns. And I do mean big fucking guns. French photographer Fred Goudon has created a calendar of farming gentlemen which is a very long way from the stereotypical British image of agricultural toil. Behold:

I have not been so delighted since I found out about the Mormon Muffins calendar, which features clothed women with, yes, somewhat suggestive baked goods.

“BUT WHAT ABOUT SUBSTANCE?” I hear you cry. “All this totty is well and good, but it’s not exactly saving lives, is it?”

Well, here’s a few things:

(Do NOT use scissors on your actual DNA. Also: link)

I’m also a little bit fascinated by this, right here on Medium…

Then there’s this. It is pretty hardcore — I would be devastated if one of my idols did something equivalent to me — but Miyazaki’s outrage is a thing drawn from a deep respect for life, and that makes it magical:

Movement is one of the things our brains and eyes are built on; almost everything in the way we perceive the visual world is built around movement. Our eyes saccade and flick and our brains put images of the world together into a map; we see camouflaged animals against a background much more easily when they move. So it makes sense that movement is implicitly or even inherently indicative of identity to us, and that Miyazaki, as a creator of emotional identities partly through movement, would have a massive response to what he’s seeing in the last video. For contrast…

All of which is lovely. But this is more lovely. WARNING: I AM STILL CRYING.

That actually reminded me of this from 2011, which I loved:

And that reminded me of THIS, which followed immediately after and which I loved even MORE:

Aaaaand finally: the word is that Rogue One is actually very good. Which would be incredibly cool!

Gotta go. We’ll get there. One foot at a time.

So please, everyone: SURVIVE.

