Dirty Dozen’s August Installment Part 3:

Feminist Bar’s we’re getting drunk at

Hannah Lemkowitz
The Dirty Blondes
2 min readMar 1, 2016


Raise your hand if you love drinking. Raise your hand if you are a feminist. Raise your hand it you might be a lil drunk right now…Drinking and feminism are two of my great passions in life, and being able to combine them brings a tear to my eye…or is that the 3rd vodka soda…either way, here are some awesome feminist bars you can get drunk at today.

1) The Way Station

This bar has a lot of things going for it. For one thing, it’s a Doctor Who themed bar, and for another it believes in equality for women!

This past July, on 7/7, The Way Station had a weekend special giving women 77% off drinks to highlight the gender wage gap between men and women.

According to the census, Asian women make 90% to every mans dollar in the United States, white women make 77%, native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander women make 65%, Africa — American women make 64%, American Indian and Native Alaskan women make 59%, and Hispanic women make 54%.

Thanks for giving us a more fair place to drink away some sexism Way Station!

2) The Society of Beer Drinking Ladies

You caught us- this isn’t TECHNICALLY a bar, but it’s a recurring social drinking event so we are counting it!

Started by 5 beer loving ladies, this Canadian society hosts events where women can get together and drink craft beer without wearing bikinis (despite what most beer commercials tell us).

Among the society are beer sommelier’s, brewers, and cupcake designers- can you think of any three things that go together better?

Every friday they hold a secret “bevy” in different locations where they “explore delicious craft beer in the company of other fantastic women”

3) Drunk Feminist Films

Dannnnng the Canadians have their feminist drank on!

Drunk Feminist Films is a group of ladies that host boozy movie and tv show screenings. They get drunk and laugh about how insanely women are portrayed in media, while also arming their fans with outside resources for every topics they cover so as to keep everyone safe, comfortable, and informed.

They also have a web series where they get drunk and review movies, which is hilarious.

Check out their events coming up, or just go on their website to see how cool they are!

