The Disconnected Frontier: Primary Characters [Game Design]


Alex Carson: The Keeper of Digital Memories

Crafted and Prompt Engineered by Robert Lavigne | Content Creator For Hire

Alex Carson stands as a pivotal figure within the narrative of “The Disconnected Frontier,” embodying the resilience of human knowledge and the perseverance of memory in a world that has nearly forgotten its digital past. As a historian who has dedicated his life to preserving the remnants of the digital era, Alex serves as a bridge between the lost world of advanced technology and the present reality reshaped by ‘The Disconnect.’

Crafted and Prompt Engineered by Robert Lavigne | Content Creator For Hire

Background and Personality: Born in the years leading up to ‘The Disconnect,’ Alex grew up witnessing the rapid advancement of technology, only to see it crumble overnight. This unique upbringing instilled in him a deep appreciation for the knowledge and cultural heritage contained within digital media. Highly intelligent, introspective, and somewhat nostalgic, Alex is driven by the belief that understanding the past is crucial for navigating the future.

Role in the Post-Disconnect World: Alex maintains one of the last functioning computers, a relic of the pre-Y2K era, which he has painstakingly kept alive against all odds. His home, a makeshift museum and library, houses this computer along with a collection of digital archives, including books, music, films, and software. In a world that has largely moved on from the digital age, Alex’s efforts to preserve digital memories make him a guardian of history and a source of invaluable knowledge.

Skills and Abilities: Alex possesses an extensive knowledge of digital technology, history, and archiving techniques. He is skilled in the repair and maintenance of electronic devices, a talent that has become rare and highly valued. Beyond his technical skills, Alex is a gifted teacher and storyteller, capable of captivating audiences with tales from the digital age and insights into the human condition.

Motivations and Goals: Alex’s primary motivation is to ensure that future generations can learn from the achievements and mistakes of the past. He dreams of one day restoring a semblance of global communication, believing that reconnecting the fragmented world could foster understanding and cooperation among the isolated city-states. To this end, he collaborates with various factions, sharing his knowledge and assisting in efforts to salvage and repurpose old radio and communication technologies.

Relationships and Interactions: Alex’s unique position as a keeper of digital memories has made him a respected figure among different factions and communities. While some view his fixation on the past as anachronistic, others recognize the value of his work. His collaborations with factions like The Signal Seekers and individuals seeking knowledge or entertainment from the digital era have woven a complex network of alliances and friendships.

Challenges: Alex faces the constant challenge of maintaining his aging computer and digital archives in a world where replacement parts are scarce, and technical knowledge is fading. Additionally, his mission to preserve digital history often puts him at odds with factions like The Analog Order, which seeks to eradicate remnants of the old world.

Alex Carson’s character highlights the enduring importance of memory and history in shaping our identity and guiding our future. In the desolate landscape of “The Disconnected Frontier,” his dedication to preserving the digital past serves as a beacon of hope for a world struggling to find its way forward.

Mila ‘Radio’ Rhye: The Beacon of Hope

Crafted and Prompt Engineered by Robert Lavigne | Content Creator For Hire

Mila ‘Radio’ Rhye, known for her alias “Radio,” is a central figure in “The Disconnected Frontier,” epitomizing hope, determination, and the relentless pursuit of connectivity in a fragmented world. As a prominent member of The Signal Seekers faction, Mila embodies the quest to restore a semblance of global communication, believing in the power of connection to unite the disparate enclaves of humanity.

Crafted and Prompt Engineered by Robert Lavigne | Content Creator For Hire

Background and Early Life: Born into the chaos that followed ‘The Disconnect,’ Mila’s early life was shaped by the challenges of growing up in a world devoid of digital technology. From a young age, she exhibited an innate curiosity about the world before ‘The Disconnect’ and a particular fascination with old radio and communication technologies. Her nickname, “Radio,” stems from her childhood obsession with dismantling and repairing old radio sets, a hobby that eventually blossomed into her life’s mission.

Role and Mission: Mila’s driving force is her belief in the potential for radio technology to bridge the vast divides between isolated communities. She dedicates herself to salvaging, repurposing, and innovating upon pre-Disconnect radio equipment to piece together a rudimentary form of global communication. Her ultimate goal is to find a lost satellite, rumored to be intact and capable of reestablishing broader communication channels.

Skills and Expertise: Mila possesses an exceptional talent for electrical engineering and radio technology. Her expertise extends beyond theoretical knowledge to practical skills in building and repairing communication devices from scavenged parts. Her deep understanding of radio waves and satellite technology makes her a valuable asset to The Signal Seekers and anyone invested in rekindling long-distance communication.

Personality and Relationships: Mila is known for her optimism, ingenuity, and relentless optimism. Her passion for her work and her belief in the power of connection inspire those around her, drawing a loyal following among The Signal Seekers and beyond. While some view her mission as quixotic, her successes in establishing local communication networks have made her a respected figure in many communities.

Challenges and Conflicts: Mila’s quest is not without its challenges. The search for the lost satellite is fraught with dangers, including treacherous travels through uncharted territories and confrontations with factions skeptical of or hostile towards her mission. Additionally, the scarcity of functioning technology and the need for innovative solutions to technical problems pose constant hurdles.

Vision for the Future: Beyond her immediate goal of finding the satellite, Mila envisions a world where communities, though physically isolated, can share knowledge, offer support, and unite in addressing common challenges. She believes that reestablishing communication is the first step toward rebuilding a more connected and cooperative global society.

Mila ‘Radio’ Rhye’s character is a testament to the enduring human spirit and the belief that even in a world fragmented by catastrophe, the desire for connection and understanding can pave the way for a brighter, more united future.

Crafted and Prompt Engineered by Robert Lavigne | Content Creator For Hire
Crafted and Prompt Engineered by Robert Lavigne | Content Creator For Hire

Nolan Trench: The Nomadic Tinkerer

Nolan Trench is a figure who captures the essence of freedom and autonomy in the world of “The Disconnected Frontier.” Known as a Tech Nomad, Nolan’s life is a journey through the rugged landscapes and fragmented societies that have emerged in the wake of ‘The Disconnect.’ His story is one of survival, innovation, and the constant quest for knowledge and connection.

Background and Essence: Born in the shadow of a world transitioning away from digital dependence, Nolan’s early experiences were shaped by the challenge of navigating a society in flux. With no fixed abode, Nolan embodies the spirit of the Tech Nomads — individuals who roam the fractured landscapes, scavenging for remnants of the old world to repair, repurpose, and trade.

Philosophy and Drive: Nolan values freedom above all, seeing it not just as the ability to move through physical spaces but as the intellectual and creative liberty to explore, innovate, and adapt. His journey is driven by a deep-seated curiosity about the world before ‘The Disconnect’ and a commitment to preserving and passing on the knowledge and skills that might otherwise be lost.

Skills and Abilities: Nolan possesses a broad and eclectic set of skills, from mechanical engineering and electronics repair to survival tactics and navigation. His extensive knowledge of pre-Disconnect technology makes him a valuable ally to communities and factions alike. Nolan’s ability to repair almost anything, from solar panels to old radios, has earned him respect and welcome in many places.

The Tech Nomad Lifestyle: Nolan’s life as a Tech Nomad is both challenging and enriching. His travels take him through dangerous territories, requiring constant vigilance and adaptability. However, they also allow him to witness the diversity of human resilience and ingenuity across different communities. Nolan’s nomadic lifestyle is a testament to the human capacity for adaptation and the pursuit of freedom in a world reshaped by catastrophe.

Interactions and Influence: Throughout his travels, Nolan interacts with a wide array of characters and factions, from The Signal Seekers to The Analog Order. His neutral stance and valuable skills enable him to navigate these interactions diplomatically, often serving as a mediator or advisor. Nolan’s influence extends beyond the technological; he inspires those he meets with his dedication to freedom, knowledge, and community support.

Vision and Legacy: Nolan’s ultimate goal is to ensure that the skills and knowledge of the past are not lost to future generations. He dreams of a world where communities are not only self-sufficient but interconnected through shared knowledge and mutual support. By teaching others and leaving behind repurposed technology and written manuals, Nolan hopes to leave a legacy that will help bridge the divides of the post-Disconnect world.

Nolan Trench represents the spirit of exploration and the enduring human quest for knowledge, freedom, and connection. His story is a vivid tapestry of the challenges and triumphs faced by those navigating the uncertain landscapes of “The Disconnected Frontier,” offering a glimpse into the complexities and potential of life in a post-digital world.

Crafted and Prompt Engineered by Robert Lavigne | Content Creator For Hire



Robert Lavigne
The Disconnected Frontier [LLM Game Design]

SydNay's Prompt Engineer | Robert Lavigne (RLavigne42) is a Generative AI and Digital Media Specialist with a passion for audio podcasting and video production.