Awesome Bots To Use For Growing A Server | AYS

LostHero / Humble
The Discord Path
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2019

Hey, Atiesherew here,

I am here to show you a few bots that can be good for helping grow your server, from staff management to bump bots they all help keep your server together. AYS uses quite a few to manage the day to day operations. Let’s start with the moderation side of things.

First we have Dyno which is an all in one bot with dashboard — The bot has features like auto-moderation, message embeds, music etc. It is one of the largest bots that exist on Discord and a lot of servers use it for its moderation features.

Next, we have Mee6 which is more of a fun bot but also consists of highly customisable automated moderation features, You can select how many warnings a user can receive before a ban, how long users should be muted for etc.

Finally, we have Auttaja which is hands down one of the most developed bots in terms of coding. It can be rather tricky and complicated to use but its features are amazing. You can setup gatekeeper which means users have to verify or enter a password to gain access to the server. —

Next we have the bump bots

Liam is one of the largest bump bots which is owned and operated by AYS and can help grow your server. It has a very large audience too.

DSC is the largest bumping bot and bumps to over 30 servers when you run the command giving you a lot of views.

Now on to Statistic Bots

The best statistic bot on Discord is called Stat Bot. It has many features like growth and message graphs, voice data, member data etc. It helps you see how your server is growing and how you can improve it. —

Thanks for checking out the blog today!

