Discord Staff Guide: Staff Tips; Tricks — Promotions

LostHero / Humble
The Discord Path
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2019

Hey everyone,

This guide is going to go over some tips while you are a staff member. This doesn’t have to be on AYS, it could be on any server you think you are currently a staff member on. Hopefully, this guide helps you achieve your goal!

Tip 1: Always be active on the server.

Always be active, management always expect staff to be active on the server and providing assistance when necessary. If you aren’t active, you’re not putting in barely hours on the server. Being active shows that you are motivated to really put effort into helping the server. You applied for staff for a reason.

Tip 2: Always be mature and professional at all times.

Being mature is very important as a staff member, it is easier to talk to support members that have maturity so that they will have a good understanding of the server rules and more information. They don’t do stupid things that get them demoted and they act their age. It is also important to be professional, especially when you are helping a member.

Tip 3: Always provide assistance and support to those in need.

If a member is in need of support on the server or messages you and says that this player is breaking the rule, make sure to provide them the support they need. Even if the question is either easy to answer, still answer the question.

However, if the user is arguing with you, saying “that’s not the type of answer I was looking for” ask them for their clarification so you would have a better understanding of what they were asking you. If they continue to argue, have another staff member answer their question so you won’t get in the argument.

Tip 4: Never ask for a staff promotion.

Asking for a promotion would just decrease your chances on actually getting a promotion. This shows staff that you are only active for the rank and how high of a position you are, than actually helping members or supporting the server. Even if it may feel that you have been the same role for a decent amount of time, just wait and see if you get promoted instead of asking.

Tip 5: Use punishment commands correctly and for rule-breakers only.

If you were given certain access to commands to punish a user if necessary, use them correctly. If you have a recent past with a user or a user use to be your friend and you honestly dislike them, don’t abuse your commands and punish them just because you don’t like them. Use them for the reason they are given to you.

However, if you actually witness somebody is breaking the rule, clarify the rule that they a breaking and when you are punishing a player, try to provide proof with the punishment so that when the user gets punished, the evidence will be included with the punishment.

Hopefully, this guide was helpful and it gets you to the goal you achieved. If you have any suggestions/questions, feel free to post a comment and I’ll get back to you shortly!

