The Perfect Hierarchy Order

Hello, I see that you’re interested yet again in my blog, and specifically, this one blog. Today we are going to discuss an important factor of server growth, and maintenance. As you know, staff are important to keeping a server alive and a safe environment, but you cannot just place staff randomly into positions, you must first design a hierarchy. A hierarchy is like a ladder of management, it goes from the highest permitted persons, to the lowest, like from the owner, to a helper.

The Discord Path


Now that we know what hierarchy is, let’s get to explaining the perfect hierarchy.

Now keep in mind, if you disagree with any of this, remember this is just an opinion, and information collected from professionals around Discord.

So let’s get straight into it;

The hierarchy of a server MUST begin with the supreme management, which is ownership, or the CEO of anybody who is atop all of the staff chain. So the first and highest hierarchy would be the owner. Now for permissions, just simply assign “Administrator” for this role.

The second of the hierarchy would be somebody that can assist the owner whenever they’re in need, or take over their place whenever they are unavailable. I’d like to call that role co owner. Now for permissions, just simply assign “administrator” for this role.

The third of them is where the important chain stops, and that would be the Head of Staff. Now this can be divided into fourth, as in Head of Administration, or Head of Moderation, any would do. For this role, giving administrator permissions is a good move, but keep in mind, you must be wary, and must keep them under surveillance.

The fourth of them, and how it extends forward, would just be a random chain of Administrators and Moderators and Helpers. Administrators are usually higher than Moderators and Helpers, and Moderators are usually higher than Helpers. For these roles, do NOT give ANY of them “Administrator” since there are going to be quite a few of them, it is going to be very risky. Instead, assign a lot of roles, but remember, do not assign “Manage webhooks” as they are very dangerous. I will talk about Webhoooks in a different blog, and why they are so dangerous.

As a side note before I finish up, I’m going to talk a little bit about how to choose staff, how to determine if they are loyal, versus how to determine if they’re going to raid you the second they get high permissions.

I’m going to keep this simple, TRIALS! Put ALL of your staff on TRIALS! Whether it’s a promotion or ANYTHING you MUST put them on TRIALS!

That’s the simplest way to determine if a staff member is loyal or not, another way is to assign a supervisor, but must be somebody that you trust.

Alright well, we’ve made it to the end of this blog, thank you for reading this, again if you want to contact me on Discord my tag is ggbruh#5435, and I enjoy making these blogs, and I can only make them because of you guys, so thank you! Have a splendid Hierarchy day!

