Maybe You Shouldn’t Listen to Your Gut

What if “what feels right” is nothing more than inherited patterns?

Keri Mangis
The Dissident


buddha statues inside of buddha statues
Photo by Céline Haeberly on Unsplash

Parallel Lives

My oldest daughter, who is 23 years old, left for California today.

She will be working for the same company she worked for here, in Minnesota, so she already knows the job, though she will have to orient herself to the new environment and community.

The last few weeks of her job here, however, were hell for her—not due to the job itself, but because of her boss, with whom contentions grew from business disagreements that veered into the personal.

When I was 23 years old, I moved from a company in Minnesota to the same company in California. I already knew the job, but I would have to get to get oriented to the new environment and community.

My last few weeks on my job were some of the lowest, most painful weeks of my life. My boss, after I had made a mistake, shifted from being frustrated with me to making personal insults.

Ancestral Patterns

The pattern between my daughter’s life and mine is hard to ignore. And this story is just the most recent story in a series of stories in which her life, and my other daughter’s life as well, seems to parallel, if…



Keri Mangis
The Dissident

I am author and speaker, dedicated to getting out (and staying out) of Plato’s Cave of shadows and deception. Hope to bring a few people with me.