Job trends in 2022 : a guide for designers and leaders

Team District
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2021

From scrollytelling to data visualization, the design trends of the next few months — explained here by UX Planet — are already quite predictable. If you deal with 3D or motion design, you have to run fast since the competition is higher than ever; you have to make sure that your site-portfolio is optimized for mobile since it will be the first thing your contacts / clients will look at, and if you are an illustrator or a graphic designer, start considering data visualization to design rankings, handwritten phrases and interactive infographics to bring users closer to brands and institutions.

Other great news will also affect the world of work and your company (and if you don’t notice it, consider changing job). After two past years, people — both customers and employees — have truly become the center of it all, true holders of power as soon as they realize their worth. We are all ready to move if the human conditions within the company do not meet the highest standards.


According to the organizational consultancy firm Korn Ferry, we will have to deal more and more with flexibility, R&D and diversity and inclusion. Furthermore, InVision talks about the importance of co-ownership, the new concept of “candor” (that stands for transparency aka “telling the truth” as a brand) and the so-called “customer empathy”, i.e. the ability to see things from the customer’s perspective. After months of interviews with heads of design, CEOs and HR specialists, we have identified these as the three macro-areas that will identify the imminent work culture.


Along with the agile methodology, company structures will certainly be flatter and anti-hierarchical and teams divided by product or project. The most requested skill will be learning agility and investments will be made in upskilling and reskilling, that is the expansion and diversification of previously acquired skills. Remote work will be valid for some roles / projects and not for others: it will be up to the HR department to recognize which ones.

Keywords: reinvention, upskilling, remote work.


As designers we no longer care about making cool projects to put in our portfolio, we are also looking for a warm environment, teammates with whom to collaborate and grow together. Companies will therefore find themselves acting in this direction, aiming to build multidisciplinary teams where connection and mutual support will be crucial. Investments will be made in internal training, healthcare, work flexibility and in activities to strengthen leaders’ emotional intelligence.

Keywords: team building, engagement, flexibility


“Togetherness” and “community” do not only have to do with brand reputation and corporate culture, they give results precisely in terms of productivity. Organizations driven by a higher purpose will increase and they will hire leaders who are already experienced in inclusivity, able to create a safe space in which people feel free to grow and improve. More and more voices will be given to unheard minorities of any kind and investments will be made in team diversification, especially in the R&D, marketing and customer care areas.

Keywords: inclusive leadership, collective intelligence


The very concept of accountability has changed: it’s no longer about what you do, but how you do it. If you’re a team lead, worry about recognizing mistakes as well as celebrating successes. Delegate and empower your designers as much as you can: they will be happier and more competent. Think “we” not “me” and be clear about the purpose and goals, communicating in time what you expect them to do, how and for when, so that they know in time what to do without you telling them. Invest in honest communication and streamlining meetings, whose aims and times must always be clarified with a final recap by email. In short, become your own team facilitator.

Keywords: communication, transparency, honesty, facilitation



Team District

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