Food | Vegetarian | Vegan | DIY Dinners

How to Spaghetti a Seasonal Squash; An Alliterative Treat!

Spaghetti squash salad — DIY Dinners #6

Mona S Gable
The DIY Diaries
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2022


Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

This festive fall season has a bounty of magnificently colored gourds, squash, and pumpkins. So it got me thinking about some of my favorite pumpkin and squash recipes, which I thought would be perfect for…

DIY Dinners #6!

While I enjoy many warm, hearty winter meals like pumpkin soup, pumpkin curry, and maple-glazed butternut squash, I was thinking about something cool and crisp, like the very leaves of fall itself, and spaghetti squash popped into my head!

I love spaghetti squash made in various ways, but the salad I’m about to share with you is my favorite. It has it all; the richness of a good quality olive oil, the tang of garlic and basil, and the acidity of the tomatoes and vinegar, all in a perfect balance.

If you haven’t had this type of squash before, it is often used as a spaghetti substitute for those cutting down on carbs. After baking, the flesh shreds into long strands, imitating our favorite Italian pasta.

It is also loaded with antioxidants, fiber, beta-carotene, vitamins C and B6, and is very low in calories. Therefore, you can’t go…



Mona S Gable
The DIY Diaries

Mona S Gable is a music composer, writer, and editor of New Writers Welcome, and The DIY Diaries. She is a published poet & top writer.