Make Your Own Chai Tea Mix

Chai tea is spicy and comforting. I just love how it warms me from the inside out on colder mornings. Here is how you can make a powder chai mix.

Celeste Wilson
The DIY Diaries
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2022


Image by the author Celeste Wilson

A Great Inexpensive Gift

I saw this recipe a few years ago, and I love it. I’ve tweaked it here and there to suit my taste which leans more to the spicier side. I love a little extra ginger in my chai tea.

I’m making a few batches as holiday gifts for my neighbors, especially sweet Mr. Larry who shares the cucumbers from his garden because he knows that both my kiddos love them: my son and my furry four-legged Kya.

This recipe will fill a mason jar which is the perfect “box” to package this gift.

You Will Need:

1 cup powdered nondairy creamer — I used Nestle’s Coffee Mate

¾ cup instant unsweetened tea — I used the Lipton’s unsweetened granular instant iced tea mix

½ teaspoon ground all spice

½ teaspoon ground cardamom

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon ground cloves



Celeste Wilson
The DIY Diaries

Owner - A Novel Book Review Publication, Co-editor - Share Your Creativity Publication. Author - YA Fantasy Fiction. My You Tube Channel - A Crafter's Story