My History of Sewing: On and Off and Only Moderately Obsessed

Sewing silly animal-shaped pillows and sweet gifts for friends makes me happy

E. Katherine Kottaras
The DIY Diaries
Published in
5 min readJul 14, 2022


pillow & photo of pillow by me

I first learned how to sew on a sewing machine about twelve years ago, when my best friend arranged for us to take a class, since I had inherited my mom’s 1990s Singer that we both wanted to learn how to use. I was postpartum and in deep grief over the loss of my mom — in retrospect, it might have been a way for my BFF to try to get me out of the house and into a space of healing. I remember sewing a bag and having fun, but after that, I did not sew again.

That is, until five years ago, when my kid, who was then ten years old, and I took a private class at a cute little fabric shop on the west side of L.A.

After that class, I became a bit of a sewing fool — I tried my hand at more bags, and I even sewed some garden pennant flags and tried to sew a skirt (it did not work out).

garden pennant flags & photo by me



E. Katherine Kottaras
The DIY Diaries

M.A. English// M.S. Kinesiology, Integrative Wellness. Contemplative teacher & writer. 🏳️‍🌈☮️🌴🍕 Chronic pain yields chronic hope.