We Have Liftoff!

Stephanie Renée
The DNA Journey
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2 min readAug 28, 2021

The video venture is off to a solid start

Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

Hey, fellow gene sleuths! Dropping in your inboxes for a quick update and check-in.

I am pleased to report that my new video series, Blood At The Roots, has been well-received. I’m now 2 episodes in, and think I’ll be able to work out some of the small kinks I’ve had with trying to slow down my speech and display the share screen info with more consideration for people who are taking it all in in real time.

You see, I get excited…and my people are Caribbean…and…and…

Please be patient with me. God is not through with me yet.

I decided to start with 23andMe’s features because I believe that understanding the science of DNA testing is a great foundation for breaking through brick walls on your family tree. Just in the past month, I have “discovered” a great-uncle I never knew existed, and was able to finally place one of my childhood friends on my tree! The story of how we even found out that we are related is something I should probably write about for The DNA Journey series, because the two discoveries are actually tied to one another.

I have found great value in being relentless.

Here’s a link to the 2nd ep, so you can catch all the way up. Right now, it looks like I can post at least every other week, which gives you time to put the skills to practice. And please email me with your questions and comments because I want Blood At The Roots to be as user-friendly as possible.

I’ll also try to throw on a little face for the next one, ok?



Stephanie Renée
The DNA Journey

Artsy chick. Certified nerd girl. Navigating the spaces of Black Excellence and global relevance. Support my other creative endeavors at www.StephanieRenee.com