Cellphone Technology

Do We Really Need 6G Cellphones, Terahertz Tech and Faster Wireless Backhaul?

Tinfoil time? Yes, it’s really very geeky, but do you want hologram transmission on your smartphone?

James Marinero, MSc, MBA
The Dock on the Bay
7 min readJun 21, 2023


Credit: Dids on Pexels.com

The world of wireless communication is evolving at a rapid pace, and as we move towards an even more connected future (God forbid!), the demand for faster, more reliable, and more efficient communication technologies continues to grow.

A few months ago I questioned the need for yet another cellphone technology. And now my doubts have doubled.

Technology marches on

The cellphone business is huge, but sales of smartphones are slowing and profits are falling, so, just as in every other business, a new technology is needed to keep the sales going. They’ll tell us that we must have it. It’s like that story about feminine hygiene/deodorant products — a problem that didn’t exist was invented.



James Marinero, MSc, MBA
The Dock on the Bay

Follow me for a 2 x Top Writer diet: true stories, humour, tech, AI, travel, geopolitics and occasional fiction as I write around the world on my old boat.