Weapons Systems

UK Successfully Tests Dragonfire Laser AA Weapon

Highly accurate it can hit a coin-sized target at one kilometre, its range is secret but it ‘can engage with any visible target’

James Marinero, MSc, MBA
The Dock on the Bay
6 min readJan 20, 2024


Weapons Systems: UK Successfully Tests Dragonfire Laser directed energ weapon (LDEW) can hit a coin at one kilometre
Dragonfire in action (testing). Photo: UK MOD

Some time ago I wrote about Israel’s Iron Beam directed energy weapon, transportable on a small trailer or patrol…



James Marinero, MSc, MBA
The Dock on the Bay

Follow me for a 2xTop Writer diet: true stories, humor, tech, AI, travel, geopolitics and small business tips as I write around the world on my old boat.