Chapter 15: The Dog Prince


Nichola Scurry
The Dog Prince
Published in
5 min readApr 11, 2024


A middle-aged woman with short, grey curly hair in the kitchen.
Image created with DeepAI.

Jeremy unlocked the front door and stood in the hallway. Listening and waiting. He didn’t move until he heard the ads come on.

In the lounge room, Jan was set up for the night, feet on footrest, television guide on lap, remote control in hand. A cup of tea and a sweet biscuit sat on the coffee table.

It was Gary’s night at the men’s shed. The room seemed quiet without him, despite the blaring television.


Jan’s eyes slid from the television screen to Jeremy’s face. Whatever she saw there was enough for her to mute the volume. ‘Where have you been?’

Jeremy sat down on the couch next to Jan’s chair. ‘I was with a friend. Sorry I’m late.’

Jeremy rarely mentioned friends. He watched Jan’s face relax with relief.

She stood up and pat down her apron in a businesslike way. ‘I’ll go heat your dinner. It’s those gourmet chicken Kievs from the good supermarket.’

Jeremy reached out and put his hand on her arm. It was the first time he’d touched her since she’d collected him from the Institution. He had a vague memory of them exchanging an embrace that day. If the lifting fog hadn’t made him feel so out of it, it would have been awkward.



Nichola Scurry
The Dog Prince

Australian human living in Barcelona, writing mostly about popular culture with a twist of quirky. If you like my writing, I like coffee.