Chapter 17: The Dog Prince


Nichola Scurry
The Dog Prince
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2024


A happy teenage boy standing on a bridge over a river.
Image created by author with Canva (Magic Studio™)

Jeremy and Sally stood back to admire their finished painting, to inhale it. The swirling sun and clouds, with their secret faces, and the rich emerald grass speckled with flowers. And Pegasus, his wings spread wide and proud, ready to land on the earth.

Jeremy liked the painting so much his heart hurt. He’d never seen anything so beautiful, and he’d helped create it. If the painting wasn’t so fresh and crisp and right in front of him, he wouldn’t have believed it possible.

Sally let out a happy sigh. ‘We just need to add our names. Do you have a tag?’

‘What’s that?’

‘It’s your name, written in your own special style so people can recognise your work. Look, here’s mine.’ Sally took the black and pink spray cans, and in the bottom right corner of the picture she painted the letters ‘SW’ sitting on top of a skull and crossbones. The skull had a pink fringe.

‘What should my tag be?’ Jeremy took the black spray can Sally held out to him.

‘Whatever you want. What’s something that says you’re you? Something that yells to the world, here is Jeremy Olson.’

With just over a month’s memories instead of thirteen years, Jeremy had been clueless about who he was. He’d wondered if he even existed. But now that foggy…



Nichola Scurry
The Dog Prince

Australian human living in Barcelona, writing mostly about popular culture with a twist of quirky. If you like my writing, I like coffee.