Chapter 18: The Dog Prince


Nichola Scurry
The Dog Prince
Published in
6 min readMay 2, 2024


A neatly-dressed man with black hair and glasses sitting at a desk.
Image created by author with Canva (Magic Studio™)

Jeremy sat in the passenger seat watching Jan drive. She sat forward, concentrating so much on the road it made her frown. Jeremy knew he was safe when Jan drove, but he preferred Gary’s driving.

Gary sat back in his seat, with only one hand on the steering wheel. He called other drivers ‘geese’ or, when he was really impatient, ‘mongrels’. He would spin the wheel around with a strong, sudden movement that often resulted in near misses. Jeremy felt like he was in a boat when Gary drove. They could be driving down the river.

But it was Jan who drove Jeremy to his appointments with Doctor Murray.

She said the appointments were Jeremy’s private business, whatever he talked about was strictly between him and Doctor Murray. And Jan never told Jeremy what she spoke about when she was alone with the doctor. But if they talked about Jeremy, then wasn’t that his business too?

Jeremy coughed to freshen his throat. ‘So Mum, I was wondering, what do you talk about with Doctor Murray?’

Jan parked the car. ‘Oh, just how you’re doing at home and school.’

Jeremy wondered how many other parents talked with doctors about how their kids did at home and school. He bet Chad’s parents didn’t.



Nichola Scurry
The Dog Prince

Australian human living in Barcelona, writing mostly about popular culture with a twist of quirky. If you like my writing, I like coffee.