Chapter 30: The Dog Prince
Jeremy was in Doctor Murray’s waiting room, sitting motionless.
The boy beside him kept jiggling and swinging his legs, and Jeremy forced himself to ignore the rattling noise the boy’s chair made. His hand itched to move from his lap to stop the boy’s incessant noise. But the prickling feeling of his newly shaved hair kept him still.
Jan opened the door to Doctor Murray’s consulting room and closed it behind her. Then she just stood there. Her hands fluttered and she stared at Jeremy as though she hadn’t seen him before.
Finally, Jan spoke. ‘You can go in now.’
Jeremy stood up, but Jan didn’t move away from the door. Something about her expression made him feel bad, but he didn’t know why.
He was doing just fine — no trouble at school, alternating days between the gym and Sally. That was the version he told his parents. Jeremy faced his mother. He was as tall as her now.
‘Well, in you go. I hope you have a good session.’ After a pause, Jan moved away from the door.
Jeremy knew Jan wanted to say something more. Whatever it was, he didn’t want to hear. Jeremy stepped into Doctor Murray’s room and closed the door behind him.